I’ve been a PC man since DOS days, text adventures and 5 and a 1/4 inch discs. I’ve just bought a Mac Air 10.9 and I’m really pissed off that there’s no insert button! Are you fucking kidding me? I googled a 100 sites and none of their answers work. Anyone know a way that actually works without installing all sorts of shit that I don’t want on my new computer?
Sorry for the answer… go back to the PC world !!!
I’ve got a Mac that I got rid after few months… just not for me, very slow, too closed environment,
[quote]ourouk wrote:
Sorry for the answer… go back to the PC world !!!
I’ve got a Mac that I got rid after few months… just not for me, very slow, too closed environment,[/quote]
Holy shit its Michael Chiklis
Hahahaha! Thats what i thought!
Insert Button… what do you mean?
Mac works perfectly fine if you are not adapted to only microsoft products…
[quote]ourouk wrote:
Sorry for the answer… go back to the PC world !!!
I’ve got a Mac that I got rid after few months… just not for me, very slow, too closed environment,[/quote]
With regards to software it is more open than Microsoft, hardware is a different story.
I read the title as “Man vs PC” and expected to see everyone arguing about the best way to kill the machines.
I’ll stick with PC because the main software I use for work doesn’t work on stinkin’ Macs. Plus there was that South Park episode about them.
[quote]xcintrik wrote:
[quote]ourouk wrote:
Sorry for the answer… go back to the PC world !!!
I’ve got a Mac that I got rid after few months… just not for me, very slow, too closed environment,[/quote]
With regards to software it is more open than Microsoft, hardware is a different story.[/quote]
What Mac software is open?
[quote]johnnytang24 wrote:
[quote]xcintrik wrote:
[quote]ourouk wrote:
Sorry for the answer… go back to the PC world !!!
I’ve got a Mac that I got rid after few months… just not for me, very slow, too closed environment,[/quote]
With regards to software it is more open than Microsoft, hardware is a different story.[/quote]
What Mac software is open?
I am not speaking of kernel or mac specific software, in general thou based on where osx derived from…
PC for a desktop all the way, Macs cost WAY too much in that category.
For a laptop, I love my Macbook. All my DJing & production software just works a lot better. Even after configuring the hell out of the settings for Traktor on my PC (which is much more powerful than the Macbook) it still didn’t run half as well as the Mac.
Macs are great for artsy fartsy stuff like music and graphic design and looking cool in a coffee shop. If you want to be able to function effectively in a “real world” workplace environment, it’s a PC world.
Also, when I upgraded my iTunes a few years ago, those fuckers deleted EVERY SINGLE mp3 that I didn’t buy from them… FUCK MAC!
[quote]Rattler wrote:
PC for a desktop all the way, Macs cost WAY too much in that category.
For a laptop, I love my Macbook. All my DJing & production software just works a lot better. Even after configuring the hell out of the settings for Traktor on my PC (which is much more powerful than the Macbook) it still didn’t run half as well as the Mac. [/quote]
I have been into that shit since the 90’s and I can say the exact opposite of you. And I know I have spent less money as well
[quote]dirtman wrote:
[quote]Rattler wrote:
PC for a desktop all the way, Macs cost WAY too much in that category.
For a laptop, I love my Macbook. All my DJing & production software just works a lot better. Even after configuring the hell out of the settings for Traktor on my PC (which is much more powerful than the Macbook) it still didn’t run half as well as the Mac. [/quote]
I have been into that shit since the 90’s and I can say the exact opposite of you. And I know I have spent less money as well ;)[/quote]
That’s cool. My Macbook and Xone 4D is all I’ll ever need. But every comp I put Traktor never ran as smoothly as it does on my Mac and I tried many. Money or not, I’m happy with my choice.
SO true. Macs also don’t have a HOME, END, PGUP, PGDOWN or DEL keys. I use that stuff ALL THE TIME. I haven’t been able to find any kind of workaround. I guess Macs are great so long as you only use the mouse.
And also true about iTunes. They also delete songs that you HAVE bought from them - you only get something like five downloads to different computers, and mine went through a phase where it kept wanting me to reauthorise or something, each one counting for one of my five downloads. Result: by ‘buying’ the songs, I ended up renting them for about six months.
There’s this…
fn+up = page up
fn+down = page down
fn+left = top
fn+right = bottom
There’s also fn+shift+up and fn+shift+down.
I spent a few days remoted into my PC from my girlfriends macbook. I almost bought myself a real keyboard so I could use it. I’m so used to page up, page down, ctrl + arrow (to go from word to word).
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
Macs are great for artsy fartsy stuff like music and graphic design and looking cool in a coffee shop. If you want to be able to function effectively in a “real world” workplace environment, it’s a PC world.
Also, when I upgraded my iTunes a few years ago, those fuckers deleted EVERY SINGLE mp3 that I didn’t buy from them… FUCK MAC![/quote]
I heard about this, you can burn those mp3’s onto a CD and then re-upload them. Kind of a pain in the ass but it works.
I had no issues with loss of songs when I upped my Mac and iTunes.
Be smart and keep your iTunes Library on an external hard drive in the first place.
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
Macs are great for artsy fartsy stuff like music and graphic design and looking cool in a coffee shop. If you want to be able to function effectively in a “real world” workplace environment, it’s a PC world.
It depends on your job function… tied to the office suite, mssql, access, etc? Then yea you are stuck with Windows
I do mostly Linux work so OSX or Linux is much easier for me to do my job
I just bought a big beautiful iMac and I love it so much I want to have sex with it. Except I won’t sully it with porn but still.
FTR I work in software dev and have a strong background in Linux, unix or VMS but I will be happy if I never have to compile another fucking thing outside of work ever again. I am so ready to be a stupid user!
[quote]debraD wrote:
I just bought a big beautiful iMac and I love it so much I want to have sex with it. Except I won’t sully it with porn but still.
FTR I work in software dev and have a strong background in Linux, unix or VMS but I will be happy if I never have to compile another fucking thing outside of work ever again. I am so ready to be a stupid user!
I still heart you, even in the face of your love affair with your iMac.