Hi all,
I am 43 years old, 2 m tall, 100 kg, working hard in gym last 4 years. I can’t imagine life without gym!
4 years ago I did start fighting chronic version of “Lyme disease” (in [quotes], because I am from country where most doctors dont even believe this exists). I had many symptoms. Through few months I completely lost my erection at age 38, before I was like superman and second very noticeable, was skin burning all over the body, needles like skin stabbing and also strong stabbing like pain in places where you have major nerves, most of this was in my limbs, especially left leg and left side of my prostate was in pain. Muscle cramps all over the body, etc. I was diagnosed with minor nerves DMG in my limbs and after some times found doctor who gave me a antibiotic’s protocol which I am still on. All the prostate checks negative and according the other doctors there was nothing wrong with me.
With the antibiotics I was able to get off the most of the problems, also the nerve pain in left leg which was in my opinion damaged most is almost gone. One thing I noticed wasn’t going off, even its little bit better and that’s erectile dysfunction. Now, one interesting condition I have when on atb. is, after 2 months, my livers does something, I am not able to say what, but even my liver s blood test OK, I have super high values of total testosterone in my blood without taking any testosterone! Most testosterone I had on one point was 53 MOL/l (I am 43 now), also I have high shbg.
Because I could not understand why I have such high tst and no benefits in gym I find out about free test and albumin and shbg. Now I know I have super low free tst 0.18 MOL/l, high shbg 164.3 MOL/l and albumin 47.74 MOL/l.
Now we are close to why I am here. I did few times try to stop with antibiotics and the nerves/skins like problems came always back. First time it took 2 months, second time 1 month and last time like 5 days. After starting to take the antibiotics again, its gone in few days, and I am fine again. Few days ago, I decided I would like to do something with that low free test, because of my gym passion and also because I would like to still have some sex life and I asked my good friend who is on trt for long time if he can help me with that. I am from Europe country where US like trt isn’t used/legal and in total, doctors doesn’t really care if your dick doesn’t work as long you are breathing, so we are using Magnum Test E here and internet wisdom from good sources.
I did inject 125 mg of tst Enanthate and after day I started to feel exactly that same feeling like when I stopped taking my atb pills. After two days it was on its peak, pretty bad and day after if started to disappear and next day is almost gone. Also, during the sleep it stops, so morning I am fine, but then during the day it starts coming back. All it seems like this is some strange central nerve system problem or reaction, but I am not able to understand why. I dont understand, how can testosterone have such reaction on nerves. Mostly all I have read on internet speaks about better regeneration of nerves and protection of CNS from testosterone. The reaction I have seems almost like free testosterone in my body act like some suppressant of those atb. and my immune system. I tried that again, with only 60 mg and it was the same, maybe little bit not so bad, bud still pretty uncomfortable, that there is no way I could use to it for long period of time. Also, like I said, its not some skin itching etc, is nerves pain like, loosing skin sensitivy on some places on my quads etc.
I would be super glad and grateful, if someone here would have some thoughts and ideas which could help me to solve this mistery and after that use TRT to have some more quality time in my life!
Thank you guys!