I have written about this some before, I also can have them but it does take some effort and a bit of practice to have good ones. Anyone should be able to accomplish this in a month or so though. whoever said 100,000 is incredibly wrong, I have no Idea where you got that number from but thats impossible to even know, let alone even reasonable to believe.
The flying dreams are probably the best. This one was cool I was running down this big hill and I started jumping and at first it felt like I was just staying in the air longer because the ground was lower at my landing point than if it were flat. But after a few jumps, I noticed that I was staying in the air way too long for this to be normal it almost felt as if there was less gravity, like if I were on the moon or something. I was kinda Gliding.
Then I just kept concentrating on staying in the air longer and eventually I was only breifly touching the ground every several hundred of feet or so. Kinda like in crouching tiger hidden dragon, when they jump around in a gliding manner off trees and walls and water and such.
Another dream I was in a glider plane and there were two big stable tornados that I would sling shot around back and forth, that was pretty fun. One of my favorite dreams was a dungeon crawl I did where I was a staff weilding mage. I was roasting these monsters with fireballs left and right. It did get scary once when they started to overwhelm me but then I remembered, there is always a room clearing spell in any good wizard arsenal and while it would drain my magic I could just rest afterwards and regain it.
So I messed them all up with an uber lighting shock explosion spell that radiated out in a circle around me. That was such a beutiful spell. The monsters were like the brown hellspawns from the first doom game. You know the brown humanoid things that you run into in the very begginning and have to beat on the whole rest of the game.
My most recurring dream Is giant waves. I lucid dream the most in these but it kinda sucks because I can never do anything really cool. For some reason I can never gain full control over these dreams and while I can always do something to escape the path of the wave I can’t ever ride the wave or make it stop or anything like that. It’s always just like “now how am I going to get away from this damn wave, jeez it would be nice if I had a cool hoverboard or something, he look theres one right there” Jump on it and fly away but watch as the wave destroys everything in its path.
I have even had a lucid dream about aliens visiting earth. It involved huge waves also so it was very weird, but in the end they were the friendly explorer type aliens, not the eat your guts, dominate and enslave humanity type aliens.
And one more for the road, there was this one dream where I had this cool mechsuit on. Not like a gundam or anything that big but more like a supped up body exoskeleton. It had jump boosters and could hover a bit and descend slowly from a jump along with a sick high powered arm cannon. Yea so I was engaged in combat throughout an old ruined city and was like jumping from rooftop to rooftop blasting away at enemies and doin sick manuevers and of course I was the deadliest mofo in the whole place so I basically wasted everyone.
One thing I find that enhances the lucid dream experience is to go with the flow of a started dream and just make modifications along the way to enhance the experience. I find that when I attempt to change a dream into something totally different Like say, banging 4 hot chicks, or even 1 hot chick. Sometimes it feals too dream like and it just ends up being stupid. Like i’ll start off on a street corner and my inclination is that there is some shit thats about to go down with some made up rival gang or something and i’m like fuck this I want to bang hot chicks right now.
So I walk down the street and open this house door and inside is a dimly lit bedroom with two blonde sexboms muff diving on eachother and of course they invit me right in. Well soon enough I’m distracted and staring at my fucking hand making trails in the air or something and then 2 seconds later the fucking gang busts into the room and starts trying to attack me anyways. In any event needless to say my experience was less than what I truly wanted.
In other cases though, I have just went along with what my dreams were unfloding into and a little later I was in fact banging hot chicks. And generally those last and are mucho enjoyable.
How bout we all tell some of our better lucid dreams so we can motivate people to get on the horse and start having them, seriously, they make being alive much more enjoyable and you will have a much more fulfilled life. Just like in the matrix, your mind makes everything quite real for you and you can do some awsome stuff that just isn’t possible to do in real life. And bloody hell if the mind doesn’t improvise well too. Like when I did the lightning surround spell, I actually felt the energy cracling out of my self as the spell turned my magic power into electrical energy and then blasted it away from me.
I pretty much know what it feels like to blast a fireball out of my outstreched hand. And I know what it feels like to fly, I mean I can think about it while I’m awake and remember the feeling I had in my gut when I was flying. Just as much as how I remember how the great drive on hole #5 felt yesterday in real life. ok enough with this book. as you can tell I havent been around alot latley due to a change in the workplace. Needless to say i’m a little fucking deprived so I’m like binging here.