Alright, it sounds out there. I admit it. Some of the people who claim to have had these are crazy. But, these things are insane. I’ve had one in about a time span of a month, but that dream really rocked me. I mean, like shook me to the core. It was just so cool.
What I want to discuss is the following though;
Has anyone else had a lucid dream? If so, then what? (If you care to share)
Does anybody want to have a lucid dream, but hasn’t?
Anyone not want to have a lucid dream, and why?
Do you think there is more to lucid dreams then the apparent pleasure? Is it all in your head?
----Heres my lucid dream, say what you will-----
After hearing about this on tv, I googled some methods on how to induce one, and for more info on them. My lucid dream is a foggy recollection now, but here it is;
**Since I had been reading about lucid dreams, I knew that if I even had a suspicion that I was dreaming, I should pinch myself on the harm. If I feel it, then Im an idiot and Im not dreaming. If I didn’t, then I am dreaming. This triggered what I consider to be the lucid part of the drema.
I was on a rooftop in a city**. I saw one of the girls that I fancied up on the rooftop enjoying the view of a star filled clear sky. It was brisk out, and I felt the wind. I slowly walked over to her and we moved to the railing on top of the building.
Once there, I moved in and kissed her. We embraced in a hug, and then jumped off the building together, and proceeded to float around watching the stars and clouds.
Now, that was the dream. It seemed much longer then when I wrote it out, and Im sure there was much more detail that I could have recalled closer to the event. But, lucid dreams are sick like that.
When I knew I was “lucid” and could do whatever I wanted, flying was the first thing to came to mind (after sex). I knew I was dreaming, but I could feel everything as well as I can feel the keyboard I’m typing on now. And I could do anything in the dream if I had more practice I bet.
So, anybody have a comment?