Guys, I’m not certain if this is the right place to post this question so please be gentle if I should have posted elsewhere. I just had a fairly comprehensive blood panel done (first one in a while) and I’m looking for some advice on how to improve some readings. In particular, my estradiol levels seemed quite high at 52.3 pg/mL while the top end of the normal range is 42.6. This concerns me because of the obvious health issues from high estrogen but also because it seems significantly beyond just high normal.
I’m still trying to decide the best course of action to take in light of this result. I’m 32, 5’7" 220 lbs and carry most of my bodyfat in my lower body (ass and thighs). Here are a few more figures from the panel to paint a slightly better picture:
Total T = 893 ng/dl [350-1200]
Free T = 11.4 pg/ml [8.7-25.1]
DHEA-S = 158.2 ug/dl [160-449]
Estradiol = 52.3 pg/ml [7.6 - 42.6]
TSH = 1.78 uIU/ml [0.450-4.5]
Thyroxine = 7.3 micrograms/dL [4.5-12.0]
T3 uptake = 35% [24-39]
T4, free = 1.38 ng/dL [.82-1.77]
Triiodothyronine, Free = 2.3 [2.0-4.4]
Hematocrit = 43.5 [37.5-51]
Iron = 88 ug/dl [40-155]
Cholesterol Total = 129 mg/dl [100-199]
Hdl = 55 mg/dl [>39]
LDL = 66 mg/dl [0-99]
Triglycerides = 39 mg/dl [0-149]
AST (sgot) = 41 IU/L [0-40]
ALT (sgpt) = 34 IU/L [0-44}
Vitamin D, 25Hydroxy = 46.0 [30-100]
Fasting glucose = 79 mg/dL [65-99]
Hemoglobin A1c = 5.0% [4.8-5.6]
Est avg glucose = 97 mg/dL
WBC = 3.3 x10E3/uL [4.0-10.5]
I guess mainly wondering if this figure is high enough to warrant skipping straight to medications like arimidex or clomiphene? I’m not opposed to trying that route if that is what is necessary. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Also, I included my white count because it being low did catch my eye. The last time I had it checked was the day I had to have my appendix removed, but my white count was normal at that point. My doc almost sent me home because of the “normal” white count and a lack of significant pain. Luckily, he sent me for a ct scan and caught the acute appendicitis. The whole time I thought I was wasting my entire day at the hospital waiting for the scan lol.
Edit: As recommended in the stickies, here is some additional info about me:
-age: 32
-height: 5’7"
-waist: 36ish" (when I was fitted for a tux recently they said 35" but I swear when I use tape at home I get 37")
-weight: 220lbs
-describe body and facial hair
I’m not a very hairy guy. Some chest hair and hair on legs. Facial hair grows quickly enough to be make me shave every other day but grows very little beyond that. It would be impossible for me to grow a beard. I have something of a receding hair line. My dad was almost bald by the time he was 28 so I guess I should consider myself lucky.
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: Lower belly and especially ass and thighs.
-health conditions, symptoms [history]: I’m not really sure I have any significant health conditions.
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever: I used propecia (1mg/day) for about 18 months when I was 21-22.
-lab results with ranges: posted above
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets]:
I’m trying an IF diet for the past 2 months and I was only having small breakfasts prior to that. A typical day the past 2 months has been
lunch: 6oz meat, veges,and 1oz almonds
3:30 30 grams of whey protein
5:30 2 scoops of anaconda during my workout
7:15: 50grams of whey protein
8:00: a large dinner consisting of around 12oz meat, veges, rice or potatoes and an apple or two
All tolled it generally comes in around 2400 calories with about 40% protein/40% carbs and 20% fat.
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training]: Well, my new job makes it pretty tough to maintain a very strict regimen, but I’ve been in the gym lifting at least 3x/week every week and sometimes 5x/week this year. Prior to that I was in the gym 4x/week nearly every week the previous 2 years. Over those year I’d do 2 upper and 2 lower body workouts each week with rep ranges in the 5-12 range. This year I’ve been trying to lift heavier a little more frequently, and I’ve been trying Christian Thibaudeau’s layer system for the past 2 months. Some additional conditioning work when I have the time or substituted on the days I cannot get to the gym.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever?: No, at least not that ever remember.
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed: Well, was virtually on-existent in my 20’s and is better now. Granted, I lived a VERY unhealthy lifestyle in my 20’s so that’s not saying much. I have morning wood a couple times a week I’d say.
I take no prescriptions meds at this time and have not with any regularity in the past with the exception of propecia as previously mentioned. From about 10/5/10-3/1/11 I did take 800mg ibuprofen every day at my surgeon’s recommendation. I most likely did not need to take it as long as I did but I went overly cautious at the time. I suppose I am something of a supplement whore. I take fish oil, vitamin d, creatine, whey protein, anaconda, indigo-3g and I just started using coQ10. Kinda overboard I guess.
As for other lifestyle choices, I almost never drink and when I do it’s a single over the course of the night. Sadly, I was probably an undiagnosed alcoholic from about 19-24. I haven’t drank with any regularity in about 6 years. I just started using iodized salt about 2 months ago. Previously I used iodine free salt. Other than that, I probably do not eat any substantial sources of iodine. I usually feel pretty good in the mornings with the exception of being cold sometimes. In the afternoon, I usually get sleepy and cranky no matter what I eat for lunch. At first I figured it was because I used too many carbs at lunch but over the past couple months I’ve had virtually none during lunch so I’m stumped on that front.
Day 1 Morning temp: 96.7 degrees I did have to get out of bed because I forgot to leave the thermometer next to the bed.
Afternoon temp: I couldn’t take it because I had ot attend my brother’s graduation and it was 90ish degrees so I thought that might throw off the reading.
Day 2 morning temp: 96.8 degrees.
temp at 1:00 (pre-workout): 97.8
temp at 3:30 (post-workout): 97.7 I wore a light jacket through the whole workout. This was a little odd since I normally remove it once I feel like I’m sufficiently warmed up. I never felt the need to remove it today, but it was an upper body day so that was likely part of the reason.
Day 3 morning temp: 96.1 degrees.
temp at 3:00: 97.7 degrees.