Age - 27
UK Resident (US Born, Canada Raised)
Height - 6’1"
Weight - 284.6lbs
LBM - 201.5lbs
Waist - 42"
Body Type - Endomorph; thick facial/lower leg hair, thin on chest/back, balding patches on thighs, hair seems thinner on head than recent years
Fat Carried - Almost entirely in the abdomen and chest, mostly lower abdominal, some inner thigh
Growth as teen - Most vertical growing finished by age 15, continued to “fill out” until ~20
Testes Ache - no
Mood - Mid to Low, no real high moods to speak of; issues with clinical depression since early teenage years (diagnosed and medicated at 24)
Libido - Low
Temperature - normally always feeling too warm, lately have been catching chill more easily - measured temperature ~35.7 C morning, ~36.5 afternoon
Dry Skin/Brittle Nails - No/Yes
Iodised Salt - No
Rx - Currently Fluoxetine HCL 20mg 1/day, previously Venlafaxine HCL 37.5mg 2/day reduced to 1/day
Energy levels - Mid to low, often very fatigued (currently undergoing treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea)
Muscle - decently muscled, difficulty gaining in recent years
Weight Trends - Difficulty losing weight, quick to gain - overweight since teen years
General diet - currently flexible but calorie controlled (currently ~2750 kcals), have experimented with keto diet in past
Concentration/Focus - persistent brain fog
Confidence/Anxiety - middling confidence - consistent with rest of adult/teen life, have been experiencing anxiety when it wasn’t an issue in past
General Health - good
Recent Antibiotics - Antibiotics last taken May/June 2018 for strep throat
Chest size/Sensitivity - 46"/not sensitive
Erections - morning ~2x per week, random rarely, issues achieving when getting intimate
Daily Supplement routine - Iodine Drops (7.5mg Iodine, 15mg Iodide), Vitamin C 1000mg, Vitamin B Complex (Thiamin 91mg, Riboflavin 50mg, Niacin 50mg, B6 41mg, Folic Acid 50ug, B12 5ug, Biotin 50ug, Pantothenic Acid 69mg, Inositol 75mg, Choline 75mg, Para Aminobenzoic Acid 50mg), Vitamin D3 2500 IU 4/day, Omega 3 300mg (180mg EPA, 120mg DHA) 3/day, Creatine Monohydrate 5g, Caffeine 200mg (plus ~2 coffees per day), Zinc/Magnesium (Vitamin B6 7.4mg, Magnesium Oxide 300mg, Zinc 20mg, Copper 0.4mg), Selenium ~400mg (from Brazil Nuts)
Normal Sleep Patterns - 11:30pm - 07:15am
Recent fasted blood test done on on 17th April at 09:19am, I requested the full panel recommended on the forum here, but my doctor stated that she was only able to order a limited panel, and tested the following:
C-Reactive Protein: 1mg/L
Testosterone: 16.5nmol/L (475.893ng/dL)
SHBG: 25nmol/L
TSH: 1.39mU/L
Free T4: 11.6 pmol/L
-Full Blood Count-
White Blood Count: 7.7
Red Cell Count: 5.37
Haemoglobin: 152
Haematocrit: 0.470
Mean Cell Volume: 87.5
MCH: 28.3
Platelet Count: 329
Neutrophils 3.7
Lymphocytes: 3.3
Monocytes: 0.6
Eosinophils: 0.12
Basophils: 0.1
Nucleated RBC: 0
I’ve asked the doctor to refer me to an endo to try to talk to somebody more specialised, but after receiving these results, she refused to do so (unsure if it was that she was unwilling or unable to refer me given the results). She instead recommended me to a local clinic that deals with “problems of sexual functioning” (nothing more specific given, have yet to contact this clinic - supposedly a 7 week wait). I’m unsure of what to do at this point, or what’s needed for me to start feeling optimal. My levels are “normal”, but I know the loaded statement that is.