-age: 19
-height: 6"0
-waist: 35
-weight: 210
-describe body and facial hair: slow growing facial hair, barely any body hair, small parts on my chest thats about it
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: I have gynecomastia since a teen(not drugs), majority of my fat is in my abdominal/hips.
-health conditions, symptoms [history]:
I have Hypothyroidism that I was diagnosed with about 2 years ago, ive been on Levothyroxine .075mcg but Im switching to 60mg of Armour.
Best way to describe what I’m feeling is basically like life is passing by me and im just doing nothing. I always feel tired throughout the day, lately I havent been very social and im somewhat always distracted or just slower in general. I have a feeling of being weak not strength wise just generally weak. I have no desire to talk to women or have sex, not that I’m socially awkward or anything, I just dont feel motivated, especially for sex.
I’ve been trying to lose weight for a while now, 5 days of strength training/cardio and doing intermittent fasting on a 2k caloric intake but yielding no results, ive been doing this for the past 6 months to a year.
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever :
Levothyroxine .075mcg
Vitamin d3- 5000iu daily
-lab results with ranges:
1 month old results:
TSH: 2.86, .050-4.30 Range
Testosterone Total: 297, range: 250-1100 ng/dl
Testosterone, bioavilable 181.3, range: 110-575 ng/dl
Testosterone, free: 82.9, range: 45-224pg/ML
Sex hormone binding: 9L, range: 10-50 nmol/L
Albumin, Serum 4.8, range: 3.6-5.1
6 month old results:
Testosterone, Total: 203, range: 240-1048
Vitamin D: 11, range: 25-80
Free Thyroxine: 1.4, .8-1.8 range
Prolactin: 10, range: 0.0-18.0
TSH: 2.62, range: .50-5.20
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets]: Mainly home cooked meals, lots of greens. Fish/Turkey sandwiches.
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training]
Day 1 - Chest/Biceps
Day 2 - Shoulders
Day 3 - Legs
Day 4 - Back/Triceps
Day 5 - Cardio
-testes ache, ever, with a fever?: Sometimes my testicles ache but it maybe happens once a month.
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed, get morning wood maybe 2-3 times a week.
I’m pretty sure I have a testosterone problem, Ive been to 2 different General practitioners and an endocrinologist and they all say its related to my thyroid so they don’t want to put me on TRT. My thyroid levels are in normal range now and my test has still been low, I feel like its having a negative effect on my life, I have an appointment with a urologist in about a month, hoping he might help me with it. Judging from my numbers, what do you guys think?