Low T-Levels, What Doc to Visit?

I’ve been reading a lot of posts lately about guys going to D.O.'s as opposed to “regular” M.D.'s and getting all the goodies with much less hassle.
The reason they sent you to a urologist is they have to be sure you have no prostrate issues before or during HRT. Some guys prostrates swell up on HRT, and then treatment gets tricky. I still believe prostate issues during HRT are related to the lack of DHT and Estrogen management.
Doctor visit today… i’ll find out if he will give me long term HCG or not. I have sent him posts from here, and also from Dr. Chrisler D.O. I’ll post later.

EDIT: I saw the doc today, and following the protocols of the posts here, I got 250iu 2X week, the day before my HRT shots. I’ll note any obvious changes. ( I hope)

have fun, it’s a bitch trying ot find a doc worth a shit. im going to have to set my own hrt due to their unwillingness to help me, not only with my test levels but with the elevated e2 i have as well. the endo has been the biggest let down so far. i waited two months to get an app. and in 5 minutes i was out the door no better off.

Ahh that really sucks. Fucken Dr’s ask for another opinion.

First blood test

FSH - 2.4
LH - 4.9
Total T - 390

Second blood test

FSH - 2.3
LH - 3.0
Glouse 5.0
Free T - 1.67
Total T - 419

Still for my age (24) is this a low score? The Urologists said he would have no problem putting me on HRT if my scores came back low, or he just might send me to an Endo.

Feed back on this would be great. Thanks