im 22 have been in the gym on and off for years and years but for the last 3 years have stuck to it. But also in the last 3 years i havent felt myself i have seeked alot of help and come up with nothing, which has lead to an ended engagement, lost friends and even quitting my engineering diploma.
Finally i have had my blood work checked and my results are as follows
( all blood work done fasted and at 9am )
albumin 44g/l range 38-50
cortisol 336 nmol range 170-680
prolactin 164 mu/l range (<320)
FT4 16.5 pmol/l (10-22)
FT3 5.8 pmol/l (3.1-6.8)
TSH 2.48 miu/l (.3-4.2)
Oestradiol( estrogen) 164pmol/l (0-155) way way to high!
progesterone 2.6nmol/l (0-4.4)
vit d 25 89nmol/l (60-160)
DHEA-S 12.3 umol/l (5.7-13.4) 2 months ago it was 14.8 umol/l
test 19.3nmol/l (10-28)
SHBG 23 nmol/l (15-48)
free androgen index 83.9 (15-102)
For americans my test is about 550 it was also 550 at 19.
i had a blood test 2 months ago when i was on 40% icariin 1-2 grams a day
testosterone was 630
LH 5.9u/l (1.7-8.6)
FSH 1.3 iu/l ( 1.5-12.4) possibly infertile…?
i felt so much better on icariin but it aggravated my gyno. but it was a start on the road to feeling normal again.
tried the 60% world ABS icariin at 3grams a day thinking that would help but that stuff is useless. hence my drop back to 550test
morning wood is a thing of the past and its been that way for a good 4-5 years, along with feeling honry or anything. which is rich because when i was 14 till around 18 i thought it was normal to have sex 4-6 times a day with ease.
From the looks of my results it seems my body has easily enough precursor(DHEA-S) to make testosterone but my body just wont take it in and it all converts to estrogen. which then in turn i imagine is giving me adrenal fatigue.
As far as symptons go i have
-huge loss in libido
-bold patch forming since i was 18 ( although it has now kinda come back)
-huge depression ( attempted suicides )
-horrible mood swings
-disturbed sleep
-on and off erectile dysfunction
-no morning wood… ever
-store fat easily
-to sum it up i feel like a woman with my moods and emotions
After 3 years i am finally over it enough to do anything and everything to fix this. seeing an endocrinologist in a month, but doubtful on how helpful he will be. i have never used steroids
as far as my questions go
does it seem pretty conclusive i need an anti aromatase and partial estrogen blocker…? if so what ones are recommended
does low test and high estrogen affect you mentally in a big way…?
anyone with personal experience using just an anti estrogen tell me what changed and how they felt and if it worked to correct things…?
will my lifting change when estrogen and testosterone are back to normal…? i think i have still made some good gains benching 175kg, deadlifting 240kg legpress falls short at 350kg’s ( two dislocated knees ) but fuck have i worked hard for this!
much appreciated to anyone who reads this and has some info for me