Opinions on Test Results

Hi my name is Tom and am new here. Although I have been reading up on this forum for years. Just was hoping for some of your opinions on these blood test results. Whether or not they are out of whack enough to look into TRT or maybe other options.

Here are my results from a blood test taken at 9.30 in the morning.

D.H.E.A Sulphate 9.860 umol/L (normal range .44 - 13.40

Follicle stim. Hormone 2.84 IU/L (normal range 1.50 - 12.40)

Luteinising Hormone 2.32 IU/L (normal range 1.70 - 8.60)

Testosterone 12.1 nmol/L (normal range 7.60 - 31.40)

Free Testosterone (calculated) .254 nmol/L (normal range .30 - 1.0)

SHBG 28.9 nmol/L (normal range 16.00 - 55.00)

Free Androgen Index 41.87 ration (normal range 24 - 104)

17-Beta Oestradiol 41.6 pmol/L (normal range 41.00 - 159.00)

Also DHT on its way.

Just for background I am a 26 year old male. Train regularly around 3 times per week. Mostly 45 min hiit sessions and strength training. I would say I have a pretty healthy apitiite and eat well. Nutrition is a bit of a hobby of mine. I don’t drink much alcohol or eat much refined sugars and I eat plenty of whole foods, veg and lean organic meat.

Just would expect that my levels would have been at least middle ground for testosterone and obviously my free test is belove the normal range.

Also I’m pretty lean, you can see abs.

Reason for getting test was less to do with body comp and more to do with general well being. Feel generally quite low energy wise even after resting. (I know that is pretty much for any illness) Taking forever to recover from workouts, even modest ones. Also I’ve got a suspicion that my labido is down for a guy my age. A few other things as well.
I just thought I was a worthwhile avenue to look into.

Would really appreciate any comments.

What do you guys think?

Thanks Tom

Your testosterone is low, especially for you age. Given your symptoms, you need to have your thyroid evaluated as well, TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3, maybe antibodies.

You might get more feedback if you move this to the TRT forum.

Thanks for the feedback highpull. I did have a basic thyroid test done as well. Here are the results:

THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE 1.12 mIU/L (Normal range 0.27 - 4.20)
FREE THYROXINE 17.400 pmol/L (Normal range12.00 - 22.00)

Does that helps at all? I’m wondering if I have secondary hypogonadism and maybe my pituitary isn’t functioning correctly?

I’ll look about moving it to the trt forum.

Thanks Tom

Your T is low and also estrogen is low as well, 11 pg/mL by our measurements. Low estrogen is dangerous for bone health and over time can cause osteoporosis. Your age you should be a lot higher and sounds like your low enough to start noticing libido and slow muscle recovery issues, most men feels like this dipping below middle ranges.

You need prolactin tested. Thyroid testing is inadequate, I really wish doctors would stop doing things halfcocked and test Free T3 which is the only active thyroid hormone. There are no T4 receptors in the body so testing for a hormone that doesn’t directly affect the body is just dumb.

You can evaluate thyroid function by measuring morning and afternoon oral body temps using a glass thermometer, you should reach 97.8 morning and 98.6 afternoon. If temps are good you can forgo further thyroid testing.