Low T at 23. What Should I Do?

I’m not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, if it’s not I apologize. Ever since I was a teenager I thought that I might have low testosterone. No body hair, not the greatest sex drive, and embarrassing to say but pretty small balls. My girlfriend and I had some lab work done the other day just for the heck of it and sure enough my total t came back 272.

I took a copy of the labs to my pcp and she kinda just blew me off when I mentioned getting referred to a specialist to see what’s wrong with me. Her reply was “you was fine before you found this out so I wouldn’t worry about it” and she sent me on my way. My next stop was at a local men’s clinic where they seemed more than happy to start me on trt right away but it’s $199 a month out of pocket and I can’t really afford that right now.

I’m tired constantly, I’m on antidepressants, and I overall just thought it was normal to feel like crap but now I know there’s a problem and I feel like there’s no way to fix it. Any advice on what to do next would me extremely appreciated

What lab tests did you get exactly? Just total testosterone? What type of antidepressant are you on?

Just total testosterone and the antidepressant is Prozac

In Klinefelter syndrome men have small testicles, little or no muscle mass or hair, low sex drive, tall and skinny build. I think it’s incredibly irresponsible for your doctor to blow you off like when you could have a legitimate hormonal problem, but sick care isn’t educated or trained well in hormonal issues.

Your levels are low enough to qualify for TRT, <300 ng/dL. Its assumed a large majority of people are scripted SSRIs when in fact they have low testosterone, but because doctors are poorly trained they almost always go straight for the SSRI because that’s what they were trained to do, not look at hormones.

You even mention your depressed and an SSRI prescription is written on the spot, SSRI’s should be the last resort because SSRI’s can decrease your natural hormone production which is not always reversible.

Steroids are demonized in western medicine, SSRI’s basically can chemically neuter your manhood, lower your libido and your testosterone. The reason why you may not be feeling the effects of low testosterone is because the SSRI is masking the symptoms.

Once you find a doctor that is up to date on current research, only then will you get proper treatment if you in fact are experiencing low testosterone. You only tested the portion of testosterone that is inactive, Free T is the only stuff that matters.

You need at a minimum, Total T, Free T, SHBG, estrogen, prolactin, LH and FSH. The LH can confirm the diagnosis of low testosterone. SSRI’s are also known to increase prolactin which can make erections difficult if not impossible and prolactin can lower testosterone.

I would also test IGF-1 if I were you, this represents your growth hormone levels and if really low can help explain your lack of development. You can go to Discount Labs if in the US and order your own tests, then you doctor visit will be more productive.

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With levels so low you should fine a good knowledgeable doctor and start TRT, but sorry it is not cheap. I wouldn’t find a better place to invest my money than my health.

I doubt you would get any insurance plan to cover you even with 272. Quest’s range is 250-1100. I know a 26y/o guy with a total test level at 255, BC/BS would not cover him, “normal, low normal, but within normal range”.

You should get a complete lab workup, though with a total test of 272 your free testosterone will not be good even with a SHBG level of 1. Look into:

total test
free test
free T3
free T4

A TRT practice will likely do those and maybe more.

Antidepressants? Yeah, some probably need them, but they won’t help your symptoms (maybe cause or at least exacerbate them) and you’ll have a brain chemical screwing with your head so you won’t care.

What are you getting for $199 a month?

Just chiming in that he may find a good endo that will. My TT was in the low 400s with high SHBG and below range FT. I started with a mens clinic but found an endo that took over my protocol and completely covered it under insurance. $40 for a vial of pharma test that lasts 2.5 months.

Ok I’ll definitely go get my free test checked and then look for a doc that knows his stuff if needed. Thanks a lot for the quick reply!

That’s great. I think doctors would have less of an issue with it if insurance covered it. I do know some who get it covered and I always wonder what the doctor is doing, how it is coded or documented, etc., to get it covered. Sometimes, claims fall through the cracks too.

I’m your age and had the same problems, it’s worth it, I spent 1000$ total to get started with Defy medical, and I’m very happy I did. I’m still early in my treatment but I’ve already got more energy and slightly better mood, and I’m hoping to come off my SSRI’s when I feel even better. I would pay any amount of money to feel better compared to living my whole life feeling how I did before TRT. I was on it from 16-19 then got irresponsible, lost my insurance and didn’t think it was worth it. I was so wrong, I went from 190 pounds to 280 in 3 years, was super unhappy and just hated everything. Do whatever you have to do to get started, it will change your life. I wish I had never stopped, there is no telling where I’d be in life if I hadn’t got off TRT for those 3 years, don’t waste another day of your life feeling like shit when you could fix it.

Unethical life tip if you decide a lifetime of TRT needles is what you need (very serious consideration not to be taken lightly). Test might not be your problem at all.

Take licorice root extract for two weeks before your next test. You’ll be under 250ng/dl. This is wrong of course. But then again so is gatekeeping the ability to take your own hormones.

At age 23 you want to find the reason for low T. If possible try to fibd a new doc that takes this seriously

Maybe the answer is TRT (eg in case yoh have a genetic disorder like Klinefelter or Kallmanns syndrome) but maybe its something that can be treated.

You are very young to consider TRT. Are you getting enough sleep, exercise and eating well? Also total testosterone isn’t really useful. It’s your free testosterone that matters. Did you get your free testosterone level checked? You should want it around 2% or more of your total testosterone.

This post is rather old.

OP probably has won Mr. Olympia by now.