I’m not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, if it’s not I apologize. Ever since I was a teenager I thought that I might have low testosterone. No body hair, not the greatest sex drive, and embarrassing to say but pretty small balls. My girlfriend and I had some lab work done the other day just for the heck of it and sure enough my total t came back 272.
I took a copy of the labs to my pcp and she kinda just blew me off when I mentioned getting referred to a specialist to see what’s wrong with me. Her reply was “you was fine before you found this out so I wouldn’t worry about it” and she sent me on my way. My next stop was at a local men’s clinic where they seemed more than happy to start me on trt right away but it’s $199 a month out of pocket and I can’t really afford that right now.
I’m tired constantly, I’m on antidepressants, and I overall just thought it was normal to feel like crap but now I know there’s a problem and I feel like there’s no way to fix it. Any advice on what to do next would me extremely appreciated