That IS interesting… love it!!
[quote]bmitch wrote:
Iron Dwarf wrote:
Some good advice already given. But I’d like to add an odd tidbit that may help. First, a short story:
As a teen, I was very very skinny with a straight-up-and-down shape. I got into weights gradually after a year of push-ups only. During this time, I began hanging on a beam in my basement. But this “hang” was different in that I intentionally tried to protract my scapulae Outward away from the spine). I could literally get myself into a hang position, and force the scapulae to pop out laterally! It was like instant width. I was slightly painful, but tolerable as most stretches can be. As soon as I dropped from the beam, the scapulae would “go back in” and I’d look normal again. Well over the summer, I continued doing this special stretch daily, holding it for as long as I could, constantly trying to force the scapulae even more outward. By Fall, even though I had not been heavily into the weights, I had a wonderful v-taper. In the coming years of adding mass, it was always easy for me to look wide and thus bigger than my actual weight/size.
that is insane
Also sounds dangerous. I think I’ll try it.
Yeah I think I’ll try the back workout adding chins and pullups - It’s amazing how after years of training you forget some of the basic and best exercises. As far as the shoulder program I’m doing it:
- Clean&Press
- Arnold Press
- Side Lateral 4. front 5. rear
- Shrugs or Upright Rows
As far as the Dr. I wish I could hook you up, but they only give me Test Cyp and GH and you can’t go too crazy on the T cause they check your bloodwork every 6 weeks I think. So I stick to 250 to 300mg a week (which for me is low I like 500 to 750) but with taken orals like anavar it’s good to have everything (liver enzymes) checked
I want thank everyone for their insight and suggestions - Take Care guys
Your everything looks quite jacked except your back. You’ve still got some V-Taper. I just think your lats are your weak spot.
try wearing a lifting belt when doing squats and deadlifts