It started in January when Schwarzenegger left his position as governor. In the last hours of his term, he commuted the sentence of Fabian Nunez’s son (a convicted murderer). Nunez is one of the most powerful politicians in California and the move was seen as a personal favor to Nunez. This resulted in many people (including my dad, who was a muscle beach bodybuilder in the mid 1970s and idolized Arnold) losing respect for him.
Just this week Arnold released information that nearly 10 years ago he fathered a love child with an employee who worked in his mansion until this year. While acknowledging this he also gave information about how he has paid and is continuing to pay child support. Soon after this info was released, he and Maria split.
Now, there is pending reports that there is a second love child.
The rumor being tossed around is that Fabian Nunez knew of the affair and child and blackmailed Schwarzenegger to keep it secret. Part of the agreement was that Schwarzenegger was to commute his son’s sentence. It is more than likely that there will be an investigation into this matter.
While thats the story, I feel that I can no longer respect Arnold or what he stood for. While he was a great bodybuilder, he’s no longer a hero. He’s an egotist, a cheater, and plain scum. It’s sad for me to feel this way but I can no longer read his books or keep his posters up.
Does anyone else have similar feelings regarding this?
How is this even remotely political or a world issue.
But then, I guess among the “favourite prayer” threads, it’s superpolitical.
Like many posters here(“If I’d be POTUS, Id do…”), Arnold underestimated what a real political career does to your morals (let me use this word here as a simplification). So he achieved dick in Cali. He’s a lousy bureaucrat. Who would’ve thought!
As for cheating, who cares?
Most egomaniacs are in for the poon. It’s their ego fodder. Bush, Clinton, Sarkozy, Berlusconi…
Perhaps asexual politicians would do better, but that’s utopia.
Sex is a very strong drive. If Maria closed up her legs, would it been unfair if Arnold had a mistress on the side? Sex is personal stuff and I won’t judge here.
Our societies are crazy in that regard: it’s no big deal for a teenager to fuck around but the state’s highest official has to live like a monk? Wouldn’t the other way around be more sensible?
The blackmail story sounds like your average loon-conspiracy.
I have no respect for someone that violates the trust of their spouse by cheating on them, politician or otherwise. It’s probably as prevalent among the masses, but politicians are more visible. They chose a career putting them in the limelight, so too bad if the increased scrutiny puts a target on their back. Maybe it will motivate politicians to be a tad more honest.
I have no respect for someone that violates the trust of their spouse by cheating on them, politician or otherwise. It’s probably as prevalent among the masses, but politicians are more visible. They chose a career putting them in the limelight, so too bad if the increased scrutiny puts a target on their back. Maybe it will motivate politicians to be a tad more honest.
Never liked Arnold as a politician. He called himself a republican but in reality he was a liberal. Marrying a Kennedy was probably par for the course.
Okay here’s my two bit analysis on his cheating:
Just take a look at his past. Many bodybuilders are narcissists. In addition to that he was (and is) a Hollywood giant one can only imagine the sexual exploits of someone in that position, with that background. He is the center of his own universe. And when that happens to any of us it’s only a matter of time before we fall from something. He put his own sexual desires ahead of his wife and children. Because in his mind he is the most important thing in his universe. With that said there is probably not one of us (who is legitimately married) that is not tempted on occasion. It’s all about discipline and placing the feelings of your wife and children ahead of your own desires.
we all knew he was a womanizer anyway, dont see how thats something new. Didnt know about him getting that fella’s sentence reduced. That is completely wrong and for that i have lost some respect for him. Was an incredible bodybuilder though and you have to admire a person who can make it from a small village in austria post world war 2 to governor of the 5th largest economy in the world(this was a few yrs ago, dont know if still accurate). That takes some doing and smarts
[quote]kevinm1 wrote:
Actually I have lost a little respect this is who he had his love child with[/quote]
I agree…What a troll. Holy Crap Arnold, if you are going to trash your marriage over pussy, get some hot pussy, not that…Damn it man, your a movie star, we expect you to wreck your marriage, but fuck a stripper or something geeez.
I wouldn’t stick that if I were on 2 grams of test, 10 viagras and been in a submarine for 6 months…
Wowzers! Or should I say Bow-wowzers…
[quote]forlife wrote:
I have no respect for someone that violates the trust of their spouse by cheating on them, politician or otherwise. It’s probably as prevalent among the masses, but politicians are more visible. They chose a career putting them in the limelight, so too bad if the increased scrutiny puts a target on their back. Maybe it will motivate politicians to be a tad more honest.[/quote]
what if she completely refused the “sexy sacrament”?
what if she cheated all the time?
what if she allowed him to bone outside, but then couldn’t take it?
Who cares, all these guys are assholes and philanderers IRL.
I guarantee a minimum of 50% of the Musicians, athletes, actors you admire cheat on their wives and are huge arrogant dicks in person. That’s just the way it is.