Lost In Sea Of Programs.


I was just wondering if you guys and gals could help me chose a program.

Height: 5’11"
Weight: 185
BF%: 15-18?
Diet: 3000 cals (500 cals/6 meals)
Getting better and cleaner with more fruits, veggies, real whole food.

Goals: Get overall more strength. I hope to be about 195-200 @ 10% or below. I’m still therapying my shoulder from bursitis so I can’t go super heavy with bench, incline and shoulder press. My right leg is also atrophyed (sp) due to two surgeries and not as strong as my left. It is also slightly smaller, especially calf-wise.

Program: I like compound lifts, Squats, Deads, Cleans, Front Squats, DIps. Anything that will make me better. I have access to a bench, rack, and pullup bar.

Any help you guys could give would be appreciated.

That’s kind of a general goal, get stronger…what sports are you into? Are there any sport-specific things you are interested in? Anything you want to get involved in? Having more specific goals in mind will help to focus and motivate you.

Depending on what it is you want, check out powerlifting, olympic lifting, and strongman training routines. Your equipment sounds a little limiting, but it is something you can deal with. I have a bunch of powerlifting routines I can send if you want them, but they are mostly for getting ready for a meet…

You might want to check out the Tier system. I don’t have a link for that, so do a search. I believe BOSS had a huge post in it sometime back. A program that I believe you could benefit from is here: http://www.defrancostraining.com/articles/archive/articles_westside.htm

The unilateral leg work is very important for you, due to the imbalances in your legs. Give us more info (i.e. specific goals, sports, if any, etc.) and we can help you better.

For more specific goals I would have say symmetry between my smaller leg and symmetry between my arms because of bursitis.

Basically, I don’t need to be super huge, I just would like to add about 10-15 lbs of muscle and cut up to 10% or less. I used to play football but not anymore so I don’t need any sport specific stuff. Except I would like to continue to increase my speed and endurance. Sprints and working towards getting 3 miles in 18 minutes.

I would just like to have a good strength to weight ratio. I don’t want to be super big but I would like to be strong for my size. Lastly, I would also like to have the peace of mind that if something went down aka fight, I would be able to take care of myself.

Westside for Skinny Bastards would be a good program to address your goals.

If you want to get strong, read the 8 keys.

You can find links to all at http://elitefts.com/elite-articles/testosterone/

Then read every other article on EliteFTS too…

I read through Westside for Skinny Bastards and I think that I will give that a go. Thanks for all your help.

Good choice.

18 mins in 3 miles while adding extra 15 lbs of mass? That would be pretty hard as I tried that routine a couple years ago. I ended up losing 10-15lbs of muscles and had that Brad Pitt look from Fight Club. I’ve learned some things since then and would definitely do things differently. It’s hard enough trying to break 20 mins mark in 3 miles, let alone 18 minutes. That would be pretty impressive for your size. DeFranco’s skinny for bastard (i like this for strength) or Joe Kenn’s Tier (this is better all around than Defranco’s) would be good. You probably would get stronger but i seriously doubt about gaining 15lbs of muscles if your goal is to run 18 mins in 3 miles. Try doing hard intervals or sprints on non leg workout days on lifting days or tempo runs (75%max of 100M,200M,400M,etc usually on nonlifting days) mostly and do only one long easy run once a week.

I forgot to add a couple things… Stay away from dips and overhead pressing. Stick to special exercises for maximum effort bench. That will help with your shoulder signficantly. There are some good posts at Elitefs on how to do work on your shoulders by Coach X and 62.