Lost At Sea Lifting

270 days of deployment.


Lat Pull Down - 145x10 155x10 165x8 175x6

Single Arm Lat Pull - 80x10 95x8 110x8 125x6

Barbell Row - 185x10 195x8 205x8 210x6

Standing Lat Pushdown - 60x10 70x8 80x8 70x8

Banded Hyper Extensions - 120lb band 4 sets of 10

Hanging Leg Lifts - 5 sets of 10

Also final day lifting on THIS SHIP. Getting close to being home now. Wont be posting for a few days. Thank you everyone for the support you’ve given me over the last 270 days. My next post will be from land after some much deserved R&R, time with my family, and eating entirely too much. See you guys in a while!


Have a great time. See you when you get back.

Incredible consistency on this long deployment, enjoy your break from the sea.


Deployment Complete: 275 total days

This deployment was a slog. Few times thing got sketchy which resulted in us receiving a Combat Action Ribbon which is awesome, and apparently helps with retirement. The gyms could have been better, but we got in there and got the work done. I’m mostly happy with the result, I ended up hitting my goal weight of 255 for about a week. Since leaving the ship I’ve been sitting at 260 and I just started back to the gym yesterday which I’ll post about later.

Coming home was great. I was up at 0400 because of nerves. We were set to be pier-side by 1100, which actually happened. Changed into my dress whites around 1245 and walked off the ship at 1300. I met my family about 500 yards from the brows. Got attacked by my kids and wife, who were so hyped I came home. It was super-hot, humid, and my family had been waiting outside since about 11 causing my daughter to have some heat stress issues. She threw up after I put her down and we ended up getting her over to the EMT station to cool down. It wouldn’t be my life if something like that didn’t happen.

So glad to be home. Again, thank you all for the support you’ve shown since I started my log.


Chest Day

Dumbbell Bench - 90x15 (warm up) 100x10 110x8 115x8 120x6

Flys - 35x10 40x8 45x8 55x6

Dumbbell Incline Bench - 75x10 85x8 90x8 100x6

Low Pulley Cable Fly - 15x10 20x8 30x8 30x8

Getting back to real gym was awesome. I’m actually excited to get back after it. I have to fix my lifting schedule some because a 6 day split isn’t going to work for my family. So i’ll figure out how to get back to a 4 or 5 day split. Eating hasn’t exactly been on point but I’ve stayed on my hydration. I fully expected to be weaker than I was on the ship but I don’t really feel like I’ve lost a step. Back/Bi tomorrow. @atlas13 I’m hitting the Iron near Oceana base.

the bro split continues


A massive congratulations on getting back my man! I’ll blame you for the god awful gate traffic I’ve been fighting every morning lol.

I’m actually about to go to sea, but should be back in a few weeks, would love to get a lift in together sometime!

Side note: that’s my favorite iron. Not the one I normally go to, but my favorite when I do make the trip


Welcome back man. Must be great to be back with the family. Should make some serious gains in a real gym now!!!

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Welcome back sir. That greeting from your wife and kids must have been indescribably good.

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So happy to see this. Enjoy home.

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Got behind on my posting. So I’ll just start posting again tomorrow with my workout.

Going into a new split that’ll be 5 days instead of six so I can have Saturday and Sunday with the family.



Leg Day

Squat - 135x3 185x3 225x10 245x8 275x6 275x6
Felt incredibly weak during my squats today

Laying Hamstring Curl - 80x10 80x10 80x10 80x10

Leg Extensions - 130x10 140x8 150x8 160x6

Sissy Squats - 4 sets of 10 bodyweight

Standing Hamstring Curls - 70x10 80x8 90x8 100x6

Cardio - 1 mile family ruck with 40lb bag

Everything other than squats felt awesome today. Getting to use good equipment, I felt I could squeeze way harder. I was trying to focus today on my tempo and keeping reps within the 2 second shorten, 1 second hold, 4 second lengthen, 1 second hold. Felt like I nailed it and it was brutal. Didn’t have time for cardio today so I could make it to my son’s KidStrong class. Made up cardio with a family mile ruck. I did 40lbs in my bag, son did 10lb (age 8), daughter did 5lb (age 6), and wife walked with us. Was nice to get out after dinner as a family. Chest Tomorrow


Living your best life. Quality

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Chest Day

Pec Fly Machine - 110x12 120x10 130x8 140x8

Incline Bench - 75x10 85x10 95x8 100x8

High Pulley Flys - 30x10 40x8 50x8 60x6

Unilateral Decline Bench Machine - 90x12 100x10 110x8 115x6
This machine was awesome, got a huge pump from this (I also rarely hit decline so that could’ve added to it)

Low Pulley Fly - 30x10 40x8 50x8 60x6

Cardio - 2 mile ruck with the boy. 40lb for me 10lb for him

Turns out my son is a savage. I heard a pounding coming from his room, like someone was jumping. This was at 0500 when my alarm went off. I went to investigate and the kid is doing burpees. Proud dad moment, I’m going to have to work harder to make sure he can’t beat me up in a few years :smiley:


Back Day

Unilateral Lat Pull - 90x10 100x8 110x8 125x6

Lat pull - 160x10 170x8 180x8 200x6

Lat Pullover - 50x10 55x8 60x8 65x8

Chest Support Row - 135x10 140x8 145x8 150x6
This machine was amazing. mad by precor (maybe) and the squeeze was amazing

Single Arm Row - 4 sets of 90lb for 10 reps

Deadlift - 10 sets of 10 of 135lb
Trying to fix form and figure out if i can fix my lower back by building up really slowly


that’s what I did. Highly recommend high rep deadlifts, Jefferson curls and zercher RDLs. Just put the ego aside for a bit and you’ll be back soon!

Leg Day 1

Smith Machine Squat - 135x10 185x8 205x8 225x6
slow tempo reps

Leg extension - 160x10 175x8 180x8 190x6
Sissy Squat 4 sets of 10

Laying Leg Curl - 130x10 135x8 140x9 145x6

Missed my calorie goal. Need to adjust so I’m hitting 2400-2500 calories. Any tips??

Standing Leg Curl - 50x10 55x8 60x8 65x6


Been awhile, been going through some shit. Back in the gym this week. I’ll be staying on top of logging and hopefully things turn around.


Good to hear from you sir. Anything we can do to help you get back on track ?

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Day 1

Warm up - Stretch 10 min

Tempo Squat - 135x12 185x8 225x8 225x8

Barbell RDL - 135x10 155x8 155x8 165x8

Leg Extensions - 130x12 140x10 150x10 160x8

Standing Leg Curls - 35x10 45x8 45x8 50x6

30m walk 12 incline 3 speed.

Finding my weights again.