[quote]zhixiong wrote:
My guy friend was recently rejected by a pretty babe. She gave two reasons: He doesn’t have a car and doesn’t have 6-pack abdominals.
For the next 1-2 years, should the guy lose fat, build muscles and save up for a car. Then, go find the girl in school again?
Does losing fat for the wrong reason screw up the person in the long run? It is a lifestyle, not a diet regime. :([/quote]
It depends-
Can she suck a tennis ball through a garden hose while looking up to you with big brown puppy eyes?
If so I think she is entitled to have some standards because she got skills. Not a charming personality, but skills.
If not, she is a spoiled bitch and a few hundred million like that turn 18 each and every year.
Ha, do you actually believe the reasons she gave? If a guy that knew women really well approached her, and he had 14% body fat and no car, he could get her soaking wet within minutes anyways. Getting her as a girlfriend would also be relatively straight-forward, I’m sure.
“No car and no sixpack” was just the tip of the iceberg, and if he had car/sicpack he would still lose her a while after getting her. He needs to grow some balls and social skills.
Your friend needs to get a car. Not having a car is about as bad as living in your mom’s basement. Some women will still fuck you, but in the long run they will always get tired of driving your car-less ass.
The only way being car-less is not a problem is if you’re some kind of hippy, and even then you’re only going to have a chance with other hippies. Tell your friend to go find some overweight hippy chick who uses that earth-friendly soap.
Have you ever been to a natural foods store? That earth-friendly soap doesn’t work too good.
It doesn’t matter what reasons she gave him, the girl doesn’t give a shit about him. Otherwise, she’d try to be nicer about it to avoid hurting his feelings.
If he actually spends a year or two getting a car and a six pack and then approaches her again, she will laugh in his face right before she walks away calling him a loser.
He needs to move on, the girl doesn’t like him, pursuing her will only end badly for him.
[quote]MarvelGirl wrote:
It doesn’t matter what reasons she gave him, the girl doesn’t give a shit about him. Otherwise, she’d try to be nicer about it to avoid hurting his feelings.
If he actually spends a year or two getting a car and a six pack and then approaches her again, she will laugh in his face right before she walks away calling him a loser.
He needs to move on, the girl doesn’t like him, pursuing her will only end badly for him.[/quote]
Amen to that, she didn’t even give the “let’s be friends thing”. It was a straight put down I never want to see you again thing. In the words of a cashier NEXT!
True. He definitely needs to forget her and move on.
But if he did a 100% makeover of his personality and self-esteem (and maybe got his car and sixpack too) he could have a chance. I just want to say that it IS possible.
A 100% makeover of personality and “girl skills” takes years, unfortunately.
You gotta get a car and a six-pack anyway, along with gaining some testicles and succeeding in life. That’s just stuff you gotta do. And when you do, she’ll probably dig you (I mean… your friend), but you’ll realize she’s not worth it.
And then you’ll realize no one else is either. And that’s when your world really crashes down.