Any suggestions for a newb with training gear? The biggest problem is I don’t have a network, therefore can’t find any gear, anywhere.
Any trusted gear suppliers? Any trusted sources? Again, I don’t have a clue, but I know I have the genetics. I’m in my 40s, but still have strength from my 20s. Mesomorph body-type so easy muscle gain. I could benefit from test as a starter. Feel free to message. I could used the help.
Nobody is going to hold your hand or write you a manual. If you’re looking for good info start reading though old threads. If you have specific questions, then ask them. Those will likely be answered.
This is now technically allowed in the forum rules but this is still not a good forum for source info. Further, nobody is likely to give a stranger or noob their trusted source info.
Nah that’s not your biggest problem. It’s that you don’t know anything about using AAS. At your age you could call up a TRT clinic and have them run a full panel for you; you may get legal AAS without any issue. Good luck
If you dont know where to get it, it means you probably shouldnt.
There are millions of people on steroids, but you dont know where/how… id take it as a hint from the God.