Beginner: Should I Hop On or Stay Away From Gear?

Hi guys i am new to bodybuilding and i am 21 5,9ish 130lb

My main problem is that i can’t bulk, i can’t put on mass. My metabolism is maybe on higher end and maybe i need to eat like 2500 - 2700 calories a day, which i am finding different so far

I do see the gains but the now the urge of hoping on gears is over the roof just because i want to get to decent size in short period of time like 3-4 months. I was thinking to just get on TEST E 300mg a week in the beginning and maybe in future i can do other compounds like tren, dbol

If you guide me whether should take or continue my natural journey. I would really appreciate that

No drugs, just food.


I would wait to try any aas. Your only 21 years old and still developing.
If you wanna put on size your just gonna have to take in more calories. Find foods that are more calorie dense. Aas are not magic. You still have to eat to gain size. Keep at it.


Stay away and get off the forums unless you can use them constructively (training, eating sections).

Muscles won’t make you happy. Cherish your healthy, lean, functional physique. Cherish your health.

Slow and steady.

Yes the dude in the video is running AAS. Doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to eat and leverage this info. Come back in 5 years and report back on your progress.


OP has broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Resistance training and eating will suit him well


It’s not even the forums dude

I find myself ever more frequently getting approached by guys DURING Or after class who want to know what I have to say about steroids, sarms, peptides, god knows what else.

I don’t have the time to explain everything that could go wrong, so my typical answer is. “Are you ok with potentially being dependent on testosterone replacement, and good luck getting a doctor to prescribe it here. Symptoms of anabolic induced hypogonadism after you come off after even one cycle are ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP”

This turns off almost everyone who asks me “I didn’t know that, looks like I’m staying natty for now”. There are some who are undeterred, typically those who are already competitive powerlifters and the likes. At this point knowing the individual (not OP) has a relevant knowledge base over how to eat and train a conversation actually can be opened up, but that’s a conversation I don’t really want to have in a public setting, nor is it a conversation I’m really interested in having unless I think I can help someone reduce harm.

If you already know how to use and you’re going to do it… what are you asking me for?


That must feel good. They assume you’re on the sauce.

Not to toot my own horn, but I am now being followed by a steroid dealer on the gram.

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ABC…always be closing. Congrats.

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I think it’s more they come up to me and say

“You seem to know a lot about exercise and pharmacology, and you’ve talked about bodybuilding in-depth as a sport before… How much do you know about sTeRoIdS/SaRmS”

I certainly feel happy that they feel comfortable enough to open up and talk to me about this. But it also puts me in a precarious position because due to societal stigma or what have you it’s not appropriate to have that discussion in public.

So I can give vague references and scream “NO” when young men ask me about tren.

There’s this blissful ignorance/misinformation surrounding the subject. A good deal of young adults are somehow coming to the consensus anabolic steroids aren’t harmful and/or the risks are unknown. The other swath of young men who know nothing about the subject believe anabolic steroids shrink the penis

Sure, if it was 5-10-20 years ago you could have said this. But the consensus is pretty much clear now, we don’t even need randomized, placebo controlled clinical trials (notwishtanding you can’t ethically conduct test, tren, mast cycle trials on healthy men)


There are steroid dealers on Instagram now? Wow… I’m so old, yet so young

Back when I was a young whippersnapper it was either through the dark net, or you’d hypothetically have a dealer you’d contact through an encrypted messaging app and you’d meet in person.



Yeah, it seems they do. Seems very risky. His profile is pictures of tabs / vials, and a few pictures of himself at the gym (to show his products are legit).

He’s either a cop

or not the sharpest tool in the tool shed.

I’m banking on the latter as it’d be a waste of time to go after some guy who wants to buy two vials of test.

Hope he can bank on his very short-lived steroid dealing career. The prison time needs to be worth it lol

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Thats your problem and steroids wont fix it. No food no gains. Steroids only amplify what you do. If you would need 3500 kcals with no steroids, then on steroids you would need 4500 kcal. Steroids let you eat more and train more. If you cant eat as it is, you wont be able to get any benefits of steroids. Its like you dont have money for gas and you drive like some random Toyota but plan on buying an Escalade with twice the fuel consumption.


First off, you came to the right place - Reddit would have just told you to blast and made disparaging comments about your mother.

Stay off the sauce.

If you are a hard gainer, try eating more like this.

What does your training look like?

I think you’re right. I did know a guy from my gym that at least used to advertise AAS on his instagram. He wasn’t very subtle, but more subtle than this guy. He would make physique posts and then say “trenbologne sandwiches are for sale”. He left the gym due to a warrant in the state. He did a lot of stupid stuff. I think there are several states he can’t go to haha.

To give you an idea of the stupidity. He got pulled over at 2 am with a lb of MJ in his car, a headlight out and he was going around 100 mph.

I did something like this with my first car!

It didn’t work out

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Thanks everyone. This means alot and gonna help me, i try to stay away from gears for at least 2 - 3 years. Surely update yall in near future :pray::pray:


I just want to clear this misunderstanding, the reason it got posted 2 times because the first time they approved my post, i didn’t the see email because it went spam. Didn’t mean to get the green light to blast :+1:

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update everyday. go start a log. document your progress. you’ll be glad you did.

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As a fellow 5’9 trainee, if you’re in the US, I’ll gladly buy you a kindle copy of the book “Super Squats” if you promise to start a training log here documenting every workout and the meals you eat along the way. You’re the perfect candidate for such a program.

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