[quote]mill5986 wrote:
I played college footbLl[/quote]
Your profile says you’re 21. So do you mean you play college football or you played college football as of a few months ago?
Barbell, dumbbells. Maybe some medicine balls if you have them. Seriously though, it sounds like you’d do best following a pre-designed routine, of which there are tons on the site here.
How fat are you right now? I mean, if you’ve got love handles drooping over your belt, I don’t think “more mass” is really the right way to go. It would even be counter-productive. Knowing your current condition will give better insight about the best next steps.
Also, a more specific goal will definitely help sort out a direction. “Weigh 215 with defined abs” or “18-inch arms with a 34 inch waist” is more specific than just “gain mass and drop fat”.
If you mean a steroid cycle, then I weep for the future. Dude, you’re as ready for steroids as I am ready to climb Mount Everest. If you start to run a cycle now or any time in the immediate future, only bad things will happen. Absolutely.
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