[quote]ZEB wrote:
It was interesting how you stated it: “…this place offered free unlimited babysitting…for $10 per month.” Seems that you are looking at that $10 per month as being quite a good deal since you termed it as “free.”
My question: Would you (or anyone) be willing to pay just $15 per month extra with the set up that I described above? That would be a total of $15 per month extra for unlimited child care.
Yeah, I guess I did state that awkward. It was unlimited child care for a monthly $10 fee; not really free I guess. But most places charge anywhere from $1-$3 per hour per child; and that adds up fast. So $10 seemes “free” compared to what I was used to paying. Even $15 seems very reasonable.
I think the more you can cater to get an entire family to sign up, the better. I don’t know what kind of space or set up you have, but basketball courts are always good to attract the teens and young adults.
I think you have to keep the gym open and inviting, and not intimidating. You’re going to get a lot of people signing up that have either never worked out before, haven’t worked out in a long time, or have only used machines.
So if you have a huge free weight area filled with chains, cambered bars, boards, 180 lb dumbells, etc.(mind you, this isn’t a bad thing), it can be intimidating to new members.
Machines have instructions and are fairly easy to figure how to use; there are no instructions on a safety squat bar or jumpstretch bands. I am by no means telling you not to have this stuff, but maybe keep it well separated.
Maybe you could even offer classes on chains, bands, etc. I don’t know if you could get people interested in it. Most men would probably be too “manly” to admit they don’t what the stuff is used for.
Oh, and even though the general public loves it, please don’t get a smith machine. Maybe you could give classes on power rack and the huge assortment of exercises that can be performed in one. Just a thought.
One more thing, maybe your gym could host an annual chin up competition. If you have any interest in that. Do you know anything about chin ups, ZEB?
Good Luck,