That’s valid bro, thanks!
I’m thinking just hold on to the primo, var and eq. Get more test and wait until I get the HCG.
So how about this to start – of course assuming that I can get it – 350mg - 400mg of test per week for 10-12 weeks.
So at a minimum I would need at least 9x (or more) more bottles of Test – since I already have 2x 300mg?
Yup if you have 2 that would make 11. I’d suggest getting a few more then you need especially with ampules. Shit breaks accidents happen you always want to have extra.
Dude, you were planning on making dinner for six people and you came back from the store with two chicken wings and half a potato. I feel like there’s a minimum hurdle to jump here. Simply asking for help doesn’t grant you any virtue. You didn’t have enough respect for yourself to even do the tinniest amount of research before you went out and bought this stuff. If you don’t respect yourself then don’t expect others to do it for you.
Since we’re on the subject of being unprepared, do you have amp cutters? Do you have sterile filters?
To the OP, about what you said to Iron…you, as in the OP, keep misusing the term bottle. You have ampules. A bottle is typically 10cc’s although there is an UGL out of Japan that sells 5cc bottles (their prices look so good until you realize it’s half the size) and there are 2cc bottles out there as well along with 20cc bottles. This world is full of terms and acronyms that you are just going to have to learn and learn how we tend to use them. Most of us are not doctors but through experience we probably have more real world experience than a typical DR, excluding an endocrinologist. Even endos tend to not know as much as some of the members here. We have all been there at the beginning of this journey, however you are really early in your journey. Trust me when I say just try your best not to start stuff on here because you have no idea who might be the one that has the answer to the situation you will find yourself in 2 years down the road.
I am commenting again because you are still typing things I feel compelled to correct. HCG is not a PCT drug. If your source told you that it is then this is another sign of how off his info is. HGC is a hormone that we can use to keep our natural testosterone production on during a cycle, it prevents shutdown. Using it throughout the cycle is the modern usage. Old school methods with HCG was to just blast it at really high doses during the two weeks after you stop injecting and before you start PCT. Basically HCG is a hormone that tells our balls to produce testosterone. PCT is done to make our bodies produce it’s own natural “HCG”. If we use it for PCT then we are setting our recovery back.
For PCT you need a SERM, that stands for Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, or something like that. The main two are Nolvadex and Clomid. Most guys go with Nolvadex because it’s a stronger per MG drug and there are less side effects.
I feel compelled to cover what happened with Irons comment that started this back and forth. As I understand it he felt that because the dosage was at 300mg concentration then it would be an UGL bottle at 10cc. The way the OP wrote everything is different from the standard format we tend to use. Until the past few years if you got ampules then it was like a 90% chance you were getting human grade from the pharmacy. Human grade does not go over 250mgs per cc historically and actually it is usually only 200mgs. Iron had every reason to assume that the op was not talking about ampules. The reality is that the UGLs have learned that people will pay human grade prices for ampules so they started making them. With multiple companies doing this they are now going past the 200-250mg concentrations which is really shooting themselves in the foot. If it is over 200 it’s not human grade from a major producer unless it’s a sustanon like mix and then it’s only 250mg a cc. If it over that concentration then it is not a true human grade product, so don’t pay human grade prices. Any UGL making ampules at 300mgs per cc and trying to sell them at human grade prices is a very dumb UGL. I know no one said anything about human grade but being that they were ampules I am willing to bet somewhere in the chain of custody someone thought they were human grade. Even selling ampules at 300mg concentration at UGL prices is dumb. People that buy ampules are paying extra because the ampules cost more to package and they buy them hoping to get a better quality product. If the UGLs were smart then anything in an ampule would follow the concentration of a name brand major producers product.
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