Looking for a Solid Stack for Next Cycle. Ideas?

Hello All,

Boston here 5’11" 195 40 years old, in pretty solid shape, a little extra fat.

Been cycling for about 4 years. First few were test only about 400/week. Then a couple test and deca 400 test/200 deca. Last two cycles were test tren . Just finishing test 400/week, tren 350/week. AI as well as now some caber .25 every 4 days. I will be running HCG very soon as well as I have about 2 weeks left of 10 week tren cycle.

I am looking to know how long to run just test in between as I am basically on test year round now. I want to know how long to run just test after tren cycle before starting a new cycle and I want a great new cycle. I love tren but figured I would try something different for next run. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


It looks like the most test you’ve run is 400/week. Have you ever considered just upping the test dose to see how you respond? Also, what are your goals? Different compounds would be recommended for different goals.

3 month power cycle

week 1-10 test eth @ 600mgs a week every 4 days
week 1-12 decca @ 500 mgs a week every 4 days
week 1-4 anadrol @ 100mgs a day
week 8-12 t-bol @ 100mgs a day
week 10-12 test suspention @ 100mg a day

my fav

[quote]donjuandemarco wrote:
3 month power cycle

week 1-10 test eth @ 600mgs a week every 4 days
week 1-12 decca @ 500 mgs a week every 4 days
week 1-4 anadrol @ 100mgs a day
week 8-12 t-bol @ 100mgs a day
week 10-12 test suspention @ 100mg a day

my fav[/quote]

That’s a stupid way to end a cycle

why do you think it sunds dumb…adding another oral in like t-bol will give you hard solid gains as well as the suspencion witch alot of pros use pre show to give that hard vasculay beastmode look plus switching 2 compounds near the end of the cycle will shock the system and make the mussles grow faster , Rich piana swears up and down by it and i would agree works graet

i’ve never met anybody that liked suspension for actually gaining LBM… throwing that in at the end of a cycle is just asking for estrogen and water retention issues, IMO.

[quote]cycobushmaster wrote:
i’ve never met anybody that liked suspension for actually gaining LBM… throwing that in at the end of a cycle is just asking for estrogen and water retention issues, IMO.[/quote]


[quote]donjuandemarco wrote:
3 month power cycle

week 1-10 test eth @ 600mgs a week every 4 days
week 1-12 decca @ 500 mgs a week every 4 days
week 1-4 anadrol @ 100mgs a day
week 8-12 t-bol @ 100mgs a day
week 10-12 test suspention @ 100mg a day

my fav[/quote]

Really?!? You are recommending this cycle to someone? You have gotten a bunch of negative comments in the thread you opened ASKING for advice on this cycle. Why would you recommend it? Moreover, you weren’t even sure of it yourself. You were asking advice about it. Thats seems pretty wrong to me. Give advice about things you are sure about. Not things you question.

Just my $.02

[quote]donjuandemarco wrote:
Rich piana swears up and down by it and i would agree works graet [/quote]


[quote]donjuandemarco wrote:
why do you think it sunds dumb…adding another oral in like t-bol will give you hard solid gains as well as the suspencion witch alot of pros use pre show to give that hard vasculay beastmode look plus switching 2 compounds near the end of the cycle will shock the system and make the mussles grow faster , Rich piana swears up and down by it and i would agree works graet [/quote]
If i am correct Rich piana advocates switching esters, suspended test has no ester. I doubt any knowledgeable person would recommend your cycle for your goals. I am no expert, nor have I used suspension but I don’t think it is supposed to be used like this. If I was to guess id say given his powerlifting background and big cycle experience reed would be the man to ask about test suspension

Why would you say that cycle is your fav? You just made a post about whether itcwould be any good. How the hell is it your favorite if you never ran it? As for suspension I already laid out exactly why your cycle is not well thought out. Lastly test suspension bloats you like no other drug has ever thought about. Op do not listen to this guy he has next to no fucking clue what he is talking about.

Lmao @ the beastmode look.