-age: 32
-height: 171cm
-waist 95cm
-weight 79KG
-describe body and facial hair: Cant grow a proper beard, patchy, light chest hair.
-describe where you carry fat: abdomen and lower back/glutes
-health conditions, symptoms [history]: Fatigue in general, a lot of fatigue after exercise, easy to store fat, hard to put on muscle. surgery for a twisted testicle
-Rx and OTC drugs: zinc, probiotics
-lab results with ranges- cant find right now, will find and add later.
-describe diet basically a paleo diet.
-describe training: resistance train when I can (fatigue/injuries), surf occasionally, again when I can.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? Nope
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed: I dont really get them and havent for a very long time (10 years??)
Okay first Ill start by saying, Ill do my best to give enough info and keep to the point and thanks for any advice anyone can give.
My Dr put me on TRT at the beginning of the year, I was put on due to the symptoms I had my test was low but not low enough to be considered for PBS in Australia (Im from Australia by the way).
I was put on 250mg Test-e, once every 2 weeks. After my first injection I felt great, I hadnt slept so well in a long time, I was able to get up out of bed so much easier, I was able to exercise without sleeping for a day and I was definitely interested in sex again.
After my second injection I started to gain a bit of wait around my waist, feeling bloated etc, Im guessing sides from E?
I had ups and downs, blood pressure increased slightly 146/85, usually 110-120/70, I still felt good training wise etc but wasnt as energetic waking up in the mornings.
I was due to go on holidays so after a discussion with the Dr he thought it best to stop for now and try again once I got back, so we had time to make sure everything was okay.
I stopped cold after about 7 weeks. My hormones appeared to come back to normal once I had gotten back from holidays.
In regards to weight, before starting TRT I was 69kg, while on TRT I went up to 74kg, this is while I was actively trying to lean down. I then went on holidays at that weight, got sick, once I came home my diet went to shit( compared to my normal diet) and I went up to 84kg, I found it very difficult to control my weight and to lose weight at this point, I am now back down to 79kg.
Hopefully that history makes sense.
Here are my questions.
In Australia, from my experience doctors wont prescribe multiple smaller shots per week, they will stick to the 250mg every 2-3 weeks. They also wont prescribe an AI or SERM.
Before I make a decision, I am planning on dropping back down to about 74kg, so that my body fat is a lot less when I start.
I essentially have 3 options.
- My GP, will prescribe Test-e 250mg every 2 weeks, will not prescribe an AI or SERM/hcg.
I know after reading the stickies in this forum, this is not ideal.
The injections are given in rediject pens, loaded with 250mg/1ml. I could transfer all of my rediject into a sterile 10ml vile, I would rather not do this as Im not sure how safe it will be regardless of how careful and sterile I try to be.
- Another Dr that deals more with TRT, will give 250mg sustanon per week, with weekly injections, will prescribe a SERM if it is needed, no AI, and will prescribe hcg.
I have read sust250, is pretty bad to be on as levels are up and down, also due to the long ester, when coming off it stays in your system longer and makes HPTA/PCT harder.
The doctor recommends coming off once every 12 weeks for a period of time, but this is ultimately up to the patient.
This option is the most expensive, at $600/12 weeks.
- I know someone that can supply me with Test-e, I cant guarantee the powder but I know and have seen the stuff work.
I can also access from what I am told is a reliable source for medications, Nolva, arimidex and hcg.
However, this is not through medical channels and I am not sure how I feel about this.
This is the only way I can give myself smaller more frequent injections and have the other medication to go along with it.
Im looking for advice on
is sust250 really that bad to be on as a once a week injection?
would any one here be comfortable getting what they need from non medical sources?
or, should I just not do TRT if I cant get it done through doctors properly?
Im not sure what to do.
Hopefully I have provided enough information.
I appreciate any help/advice I can get.