[quote]etaco wrote:
Like a giant zit.[/quote]
[sticks egg in mouth]
What am I?! A ZIT!
[quote]etaco wrote:
Like a giant zit.[/quote]
[sticks egg in mouth]
What am I?! A ZIT!
I wonder how long it will take for some synthol to get in his blood stream and cause a heart attack or stroke?
I hope they get it on tape when someone kicks his ass. I’d buy it too!!
But hey! Lets end this, because this is what he wants, attention. This moron better not make it on any of the talk shows.
Between this jerkoff and Greg Valentino, I don’t know whether to puke or kill them both. You guys decide.
[quote]DooMMOoD wrote:
Between this jerkoff and Greg Valentino, I don’t know whether to puke or kill them both. You guys decide. [/quote]
Stare, point, and laugh till you cry. And then laugh some more.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
cap’nsalty wrote:
I love Claymation!
Its afghanistanimation![/quote]
you know those really cheap japanese cartoons? well, this is basically a cheaper afghani knockoff…
[quote]ME wrote:
rrjc5488 wrote:
cap’nsalty wrote:
I love Claymation!
Its afghanistanimation!
you know those really cheap japanese cartoons? well, this is basically a cheaper afghani knockoff…[/quote]
I am going to pistol whip the next guy that pumps his arms full of synthol…
I wonder what would happen if I tried to pop those…
As much as I don’t feel bad for this clown, I do look at him and can’t help but feel sad for him. Where do these guys go wrong? At least Valentino is hilarious and makes me laugh my ass off. This guy just looks lost, kind of like a little puppy in the rain looking for his mother.
It’s not just this guy and Valentino, there’ s a whole group of retards with this obsession. They are Germans mainly. I’ll try to find a link.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
We can only hope that Synthol causes sterility.[/quote]
No need - no woman is going to have sex with that.
[quote]CU AeroStallion wrote:
hmm… I wonder where he does his curls[/quote]
Sorry, I thought it was an audience-participation kind of question.
[quote]APE. wrote:
Atleast Valentino looked like he had some notion to inject it into diff. muscles.This looks like he pumped it in w/o planning where to put it; which makes him look like a bigger idot than Valentino.[/quote]
Yeah but Valentino might find the synthol affecting his muscles’ ability to function proper, this guy just stuck it under his skin, his tiny muscles are safe inside.
I still wanna know, have women thought of using this for their breasts? Safer than implants? I can imagine the runaway market for this stuff if women ever figure it out.
Also, why does the stuff stay in place in this guys arms? Why doesn’t it start moving around into his forearms, for example?
When is Biotest going to release a synthol product?
lol lol lol I couldn’t resist
[quote]Magarhe wrote:
APE. wrote:
Atleast Valentino looked like he had some notion to inject it into diff. muscles.This looks like he pumped it in w/o planning where to put it; which makes him look like a bigger idot than Valentino.
Yeah but Valentino might find the synthol affecting his muscles’ ability to function proper, this guy just stuck it under his skin, his tiny muscles are safe inside.
I still wanna know, have women thought of using this for their breasts? Safer than implants? I can imagine the runaway market for this stuff if women ever figure it out.
Also, why does the stuff stay in place in this guys arms? Why doesn’t it start moving around into his forearms, for example?
Apparently, they do inject directly into muscle tissue. The amount of damage that could potentially be done to muscle tissue after being inflated that much will probably cause some kind of “disease” process later on in life. I honestly don’t know what type of affect this could have in the long run because the stupidity that brought this into practice hasn’t been around long enough. I would love to dissect a cadaver arm after something like this. My initial belief would be that the risk for cancer would be greater along with eventual muscle paralysis if this is on going to that extreme. The most common risk would probably be infection, which is apparently what happened to Valentidiot.
Holy crap … so I decided to learn something about synthol. Note that I heard about it years and years ago but payed no attention, and haven’t been keeping up with trends in bodybuilding for a long time, so I knew bugger all about synthol until now.
This bit especially worrying
“And it gets worse. Should you inject into a vein or artery by mistake the fatty acids could be carried to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism. They may also reach the heart and induce a heart attack. They might even make it to the brain and lead to stroke. As you might guess all three cases are potentially fatal.”
If this stuff stays around in the muslce for a number of years, then this could happen at any time.
Now this is very worrying to me especially for kids out there seeking a quick fix.
This is a bad trend that should be stomped on.
It is just too dangerous in my opinion and I severely doubt people who are doing it realise the danger.
It’s all harmless fun until someone suffers a stroke.
It’s all fun and games until someone suffers a Synthol-related stroke. Then it’s just fun.
Looks like a little kid wearing water wings IMO
What a fool, that guy would look reasonably ok if he hadn’t used that stuff, he’s not big, but he isnt that small. Shit if he wanted to get big why didn’t he just use steroids? Makes much more sense than that shit, both dangerous, but least the roids will give you results.