To those who have used this, what dose did you use it at, what length of time, and what did you see from it?
I am looking into some peptides and i am finding it all very interesting indeed.
We havent had a discussion about this shit for a while so…
(I read yesterday that androgen Receptors are actually peptide chains - i wonder if it will become possible to inject androgen receptors one day - maybe to bring up lagging muscles…?)
[quote] JJ wrote:
To those who have used this, what dose did you use it at, what length of time, and what did you see from it?
I am looking into some peptides and i am finding it all very interesting indeed.
We havent had a discussion about this shit for a while so…
(I read yesterday that androgen Receptors are actually peptide chains - i wonder if it will become possible to inject androgen receptors one day - maybe to bring up lagging muscles…?)
JJ, do 50mcg post workout(if you train 4-5 days)a bottle of 1mg should last you 4-5 weeks. Shoot in shoulders or any lagging muscle, 25mcg in each, make sure you have proper pins. IGF will also disperse through body. Then stay off for at least 1 month. IGF is fragile, PM me for any more questions, including mixing. Great for PCT.
yea i have been reading a little about this too. seems great but just like most the peptides is pretty expensive and without gh im not sure its really that price effective, but i really dont know cause i havent used. chime in people
Take it proper pins are the U100 Microfine BD variety?
Great stuff Pesty…
Anyone else?
If you are going to shoot it in your shoulders you need at least 26g 5/8", 1/2" for arms. This is for IM use, for lagging muscle parts. There is a site for proper injections, I have to research that info, if you want that site PM me. You can also take peg MFG on your non training days, I have not taken that, but I hear good feedback on it. IGF is fragile, so there is certain guidelines to follow, I can give you a good company, PM for that. IGF generally runs $150-180 for media grade.
Look up the thread First Run with IGF. I covered a lot of shit on there basically researching for myself by asking other members. A summary would be 60mcg/day split into 2 PWO shots into worked muscle groups. 5 days on and 2 days off for three weeks. I also used pegMGF but I don’t think it was warranted. I loved the experience, I gained about 5lbs and a descent amount of strength during my PCT. Any others questions feel free to ask.
jj i feel u really need to stop experimenting with all these extra things like eq/slin/IGF… i think you can grow right now using low dose test only and am very fearful you will stunt your potential future gains. I am just very very concerned.
IGF will expand muscle cells, thus producing more growth. A word of wise, it could make you a little hypo, so always take in carbs when injecting. You might also get a little more tired, too. Other than that no real side effects. Always do research first before doing anything.
[quote]Dave1188 wrote:
jj i feel u really need to stop experimenting with all these extra things like eq/slin/IGF… i think you can grow right now using low dose test only and am very fearful you will stunt your potential future gains. I am just very very concerned.
LOL just kidding (:[/quote]
I am just getting to grips with it all… experimenting a little - dont you worry your pretty little head davie poo… ;p