Long Covid Rehab/Research

So my brother is a long-covid sufferer for that last 3 years. I’m looking for information on rehabilitation,

Doctors and PT don’t really know anything and give really contradictory information. There was a recent study published which proved that there was musclular abnormailities , myopathy and mitachondria disfunction amongst other things in Long Covid patients worsened after exercise .

Muscle abnormalities worsen after PEM in long COVID
Long Covid causes changes in body that make exercise debilitating – study

I have been reading up on mitacondria on T Nation as well as other places. the problem is Exercise is advised to increase mitocondria function and lower the release of free radicals, as well as cardio vascular health. But in Long covid it seems that exercise is making it worse. But without exercise Muscles weaken , increased insulin sensitivity is also a long covid side effect, and exercise is often advised for that too.

My brother is getting weaker and weaker, and also fatter due to I think the insulin resistance and I really want to help, I wonder if small amounts of weight training could help with the correct supplementation Or maybe diet and just walking… Its really hard to say.

I would love it if someone on T Nation could do an article or something in response to this study.

Any advice would be appreciated. I know your not Doctors, and obviously everything at this stage would be experiental, but it would still be really helpful to hear any insight people may have.

After so long your bro might have to start at a baby-like level.

Some doctors have had good results using breathing techniques as “phase 1” of rehabbing after covid. Like you need to learn to get oxygen back to the muscles before you start training them.

The beginning could could deep, diaphragmatic breathing, expanding your belly and holding before exhaling, while laying on the floor. Trying to progress to 1 minute.

After that, deep breathing laying face down, using Body Weight against the floor for “breathing resistance.” Progressing to 1 minute.

Then seated.

Then standing.

Then, finally after that, maybe 5 minute walks or something.


When you guys decide it’s time for weights, Be Cautious Starting Out.

The muscles are already fucked up and can’t get enough oxygen. So use light weights, with a steady smooth, controlled execution. Try to use the reps to gently pump oxygen filled blood into the muscles. Don’t flex so hard that you constrict the vessels and squeeze blood out of the muscle tissue. Don’t stress building muscle, think about building up the muscles “cardio ability” so you can eventually build muscle better, later.

And stop well, well short of the burn. The burning sensation means the muscle is Not Using Oxygen. And it looks like pushing covid damaged muscles into the anaerobic /lactate driven/oxygen deprived state is really damaging.

I think you’re right about supplements maybe helping. Carbs and Essential Amino Acids taken in training help workouts to be less catabolic/damaging to the muscles. So why the hell not try them?


I didn’t get Long Covid, but the vaccine really hit me hard. And since then I’ve been having issues like prostate stuff and muscle cramps that I just associated with getting older.

So I’ve been taking Magnesium Glycinate (up to 800 mg/per day) to help with cramps and sleep. And Tart Cherry Juice to help keep the prostate from swelling. And zinc (up to 100mg/day) to help with sleep and general testicle health.

I got curious just now and did some internet searching and it looks like Magnesium, Zinc and Tart Cherry Extract are all helpful to long COVID sufferers in some way.

Magnesium helps with brain fog and post workout malaise. The flavonoids in the Cherry Juice help repair damaged cells. Zinc helps with inflammation and post Covid sleep problems.

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I’ve also been using tons of electrolyte supplements for the last few years. It’s like I can’t drink enough water.

Everyone else has been having the same problems. Look how many companies are selling different hydration packets these days.

When I searched electrolytes and long covid I learned that long COVID sufferers have fucked up, diffecient ratios of electrolytes.

So maybe try
Magnesium Glycinate
Tart Cherry Extract
Electrolyte Powder

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Get this dude on some creatine! Cells need ATP for energy, mitochondria make ATP. So damaged mitochondria= no energy.

Creatine helps the cells produce ATP so it should be like Creatine = Energy.

There are re also sciencey benefits just beyond the level of my understanding. Like your body body has ATP to use, so it can avoid switching to aenarobic respiration/ lactic acid for energy production. Which long COVID sufferers are trying to avoid using to prevent further cell damage during exertion.

The part that’s over my head is that creatine also " buffers calcium" which maybe somehow fixes messed up levels in long COVID patients. And this somehow restores damaged cells.