Lonely Bliss

Def gotta go with all the New Kids on the Block songs and Micheal Jackson. AwWwWwWw yeAaAaAa…

Cocomo is a good one. Makes me want to be in the Carib. scuba diving every time I hear it. And for that reason, it’s kinda depressing in the dead of winter. I knew Journey would make it. Here’s another of mine: Living in America, James Brown. Gotta love Rocky IV.

god damnit, shit, a couple of nsync songs arent bad. there. i mean nsync sucks. i have to admit, two cds that i have are nelly furtado and avril lavigne, and they both have some really good songs on them.

Magnus: I’m SO going to check out your recommendation of Nina Simone. Thanks! (I have listened to Sarah Vaughn - yes, she’s great!)

I also have to admit that I'm a "closet" Michael Jackson listener, too. I mean, I have both Thriller and Off The Wall on cd. Yowza....

I’m there with ya on the Jacko. I’ll admit this to others though, preficed by the fact that I still think he’s a major screwball. But, you have to recognize (through the mist of pedaphila and cosmetic overload) that this man (i think), is very talented. I was disapointed in his latest album though. I love thriller, billy jean, dangerous, bad, beat it, man in the mirror, remember the time, and others I can’t think of.

‘if i could turn back time’ by whats her name. Hey its a catchy tune! If any one was with me i would change the station and call her a stupid tasteless bitch who cries about everything. if that certain smeone started singing along i would make him the joke of the block. It’s a damn catchy tune though in’t it…

ahem…I’m a rockabilly rebel (from head to toe), Funky town (original) played to my favorite air guitar, bright eyes (simon and artfunkel whazzit), Starmaker (kids from fame). Boy that last one really hurt! Do you feel my pain??

Two words…Milli Vanilli…

Michael Jackson. I’m just glad none of my friends are watching me type this, but Thriller, Bad, and Beat It are just plain cool. I like a lot of that corny stuff. I like pretty much anything except overplayed pop. Elton John is another good one . And the Safety Dance is AWESOME!

Lets see the gayest song of them all. Don’t let the sun go down on me. George Micheal AND Elton John sing it together. Arrrrhhhhhhh. Tarzan boy!!! Love that song. Some song by Whitesnake…I actually have so many songs like this. It just feels wrong. I’m embrassed listening to them even by myself. LOL. Oh yeah Jessica Simpson songs. Thats why I put on Disturbed to wash the gay away. Not that there is anything wrong with that. :slight_smile:

Etta James is something you’re afraid to admit? No way! “At Last” is one of the most soulful songs ever recorded. I would admit I like that song to anyone. Same with Jacko (at least the early stuff). Evreyone (over 24) had the Thriller album and rocked one glove at one time…lest anyone forget, he was the man. OK, if you are still listening to Jacko, I can see that.

Now, to the real embarrassing stuff: I have an N’Synch album (the newest) - I liked “Girlfriend”. Also, I really like Justin Timberlake’s new single…I will probably have my wife buy that album for me (no way I am going to buy that myslef!!). Other albums I have BoyzIIMen, and a 98deg. single!! I am married to a woman, so I ain’t gay!! Not that there is anything wrong with that (my ode to Seinfeld).

I also like a lot of Chicago’s stuff. George Michael has a lot of cool stuff (Limp Bizkit almost made it cool to admit that, though). I listen to a lot of the real Mowtown stuff (Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gay, Four Tops, etc.), but I am not embarassed to admit that; if you were raised in Detroit, you have to love that stuff.

Now that I am a professional, I would probably die if any of my co-workers knew I was a “wigger” and have an extensive collection of hip-hop and old(er) school gangsta rap (late 80’s to mid-90’s).

Okay, not that I’m really trying to resurrect this thread or anything, but I heard an ad for an old band coming to town that is one of those that, when the songs come on the radio, you just join in, and don’t even remember who it is that performs them. Little River Band! Remember those guys?

Cool Change

Lonesome Loser

It’s a Long Way There


Man, I’d forgotten ALL about those guys. Seems they’re still touring.

O.k. I can see some of those songs but “Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler!!!” Sweet Jesus mrcold!!!

Please reference the last line of my original post.

How old are you, and are you from the South?

What about “Cool Change”?

OOPS, I just saw “Cool Change” on your list.

Toby Keith-I should have been a cowboy.

Hey, how about the Bengals?

MBE: “Tagyerself. Since 1201.”


Okay, Okay…the Lion confesses…

I’ve always loved R&B slow jams to get me in the mood…but for real “closeness”…I’ve ALWAYS loved… Karen Carpenter…

Okay…I said it…are you SATISFIED???

I was just listening to Willie Nelson’s and Julio Iglesias “To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before” in my car really loud. I was alone though. I had to be to keep this a secret.