Log clean and press is probably the only implement I’m semi-competitive with. In the quest of putting all my eggs in one basket I’ve decided to try learning how to double dip and jerk it.
How much benefit can I expect from this (if any)?
I feel very uncoordinated and awkward trying to learn the movement so is it a case of, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”?
If you jerk the log, what cues have you found to be most beneficial?
How long have you been jerking your log?
A legit jerk on the log is tricky. You need so much rotation to really get the anterior delts under it correctly that it’s tough to get into position for the “catch”. My OHP was never great, 305 was my best. I did learn that getting the elbows up and whatever backbend is necessary to get good delt contact makes a huge difference. FWIW, I hated the 8" log, and disliked the 12" and 14". I was happiest with the 10" for pressing.
You can press more weight over head with a jerk, and press a weight more times than if you push pressed it.
- Take time to find your base before you press. Pressing a (heavy) log with a jerk is like trying not to stall in a manual car. There’s a small window for opportunity, but when you practice it enough, it becomes easy and the pay off is obviously worth it.
- Allow yourself to lean back a bit but only via thoracic spine, otherwise you’ll be leaning back by pushing your hips forward, which is going to make it impossible to actually get good leg drive.
- Knees out and not forward when you dip
- Elbows up, constantly, 100% of the time. Very important.
- Commit to the press before you dip to “catch”, a lot of inexperienced push jerkers try to just drop under the bar, expecting zero upper body employment to be used. Follow through with your press and then drive yourself under the log.
That should include all of the crucial stuff, don’t think I missed any but I did rush a bit in typing. I can definitely touch more on it though if you have more questions.
I think your 2nd and last point are the main ones I need to focus on. I lean pretty far back with a push press but a few times on the catch I felt some pressure in my mid back.
Committing to the press is probably what I struggle with most so hopefully the cue of pushing myself under will help
Whilst my phrasing was odd, I was genuinely asking how long have you been doing a log with a jerk?
Damn, I was totally sold on your post being solely for the double entendre.
I thought there was no way that was a serious question. Out of the infinite possibilities, you chose that phrasing.
Only a few weeks. Just doesn’t feel intuitive and I don’t want to engrain bad habits. Been practicing with 70% 1rm
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When pressing the log overhead, your upper back is extended and tight but your lower back is neutral, you’re looking at the sky, your elbows are pointing in but they are up high. The weight is on your chest and makes it hard to take a breath. Your knees need to go out but you don’t bend at your hips. You need to remain rigid but still explode.
None of this intuitive, you’ve probably never had to move like that in the decades you have been on this earth. It’s going to feel like a dog’s breakfast for a while. I’ve been doing strongman for a few weeks now and logs, kegs, yokes, stones they never really feel natural to me.
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Here’s 5x165lbs on a 12incher today if this gives a little more insight
Looks alright, dont dip as low on your first dip and push your knees out, not forward.
Other note is your back rounds when you first pull it from the floor. Try keeping it flat, think chest up
Yea I’ve noticed I round pretty bad off the ground with the log, same with normal deadlift to a slightly lesser extent.
Getting ready to change up my training and go back to log twice a week. I think when I try 200+ lbs I’ll get a better feel for what isn’t quite right and if the double dip is for me.
@strongmangoals Everything he touches on is pretty much what I’d have said as well.
Not much else to add, looks pretty good. Maybe you aren’t dipping under the log enough on the catch for the latter reps. Can’t say for sure though.
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dude, it’s a hard fucking thing to do. It will likely never feel great. I lift with a guy whose background is oly lifting. This guy outworks everyone I know, he’s in the gym 10-14 times per week, every week. He’s been working on split jerking the log for a month now, and he’s shaky as hell with it. It’s tough. You’ll need to work at it quite a bit for it to feel remotely natural.
What kind of shoes are you wearing? Those look like cross trainers, but hard to tell. I’d highly recommend weight lifting shoes, or at least flat soles. A solid base/contact with the floor is crucial.
These are some old beat up saucony kinvaras from my distance running days, switching to my dl or squat shoes would probably be a good thing to try.
For now I’ll work on the double dip, split is some far off place in the future, if ever
I spent probably a month on separate occasions trying to learn how to split jerk the log but never making any ground until recently. This went for probably a year or two, always defaulting to push jerks, until I finally just forced myself to ONLY split jerk any time I overhead pressed. Think it’s been like 2 months now and I’m actually getting somewhere. I don’t know if I can split jerk a PR, but I’m not far away.
Definitely a process. You can learn how to do it without coaching too. You don’t have to be a world class split jerker. Pretty sure Rob Kearney would get a lot of points off his split jerk if judged by a very skilled oly lifter.
Changed the shoes, slightly wider stance, more focus on speed. Weight is still light but feeling ready-ish to start seeing what it looks like with 200lbs+.
Look like it’s coming along?
Looking solid. Will only remind you to drive the knees out and give your feet as much space apart as they need in order to get a good drive and not dip forward at all.
Also, maybe try some calf and hamstring mobility beforehand. Not sure what you do pre-workout for mobility, if any, but for me, stretching the hip flexors and calf/hamstring tie in really helps me stabilize better for the press. Lats are pretty big too, but you don’t look impinged too bad in that area, but worth a look into.
I was actually thinking about stretching calves beforehand. Recently started doing that before squats and noticed a huge difference in my balance out of the hole. My biggest concern is not dipping deep enough on the 2nd dip but that may be balance related due to tight calves
I’m pretty comfortable in the rack position with log but a little stretch on lats for higher elbows couldn’t hurt. Pretty sure all my serious problems are below the belt.
Hopefully in a couple months I can update with something close to my push-press pr
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