Hi Paul,
Be interested to hear your thoughts on loaded stretching. I currently follow Dr Scott’s Fortitude template. I experience consistent light DOMS on very low volume, which I attribute primarily to the stretch. Although I’m aware this is not necessarily a signal of growth. Ben keen for your views.
The idea behind it originally was that you could stretch the fascia and that by doing so, you’d give the muscle more “room” to grow in. But fascia isn’t really flexible like that so that theory is kinda lame/bunk.
There is the other idea and that is there may be a high degree of force production occurring due to the static/isometric nature of it and the fact that it’s happening in the stretch component of a movement.
Who knows - I do know when I was really consistent with it that my body did take on a different look. Especially my quads. You’ll just need to try it.