Hi All,
Your friendly neighborhood nutrition man is at your service.
Got questions?
Hi All,
Your friendly neighborhood nutrition man is at your service.
Got questions?
[quote]A T-Nation Forumite wrote:
LL.If i lift around 4pm somedays.while lifting at 10am others.what would the difference meal combos be eating for fatloss on the different day.Like P+C for breakfast and so forth… lifting for strength [for] years…injuries healed up.Goal compete strongman 1 year from now.Increase GPP,%fat goal between 8-10% if possible.any diet(fatloss) help appreciated.thank you, little joe. [/quote]
And my response to the PM…
Alas, this is still too little info. to do a nutrition assessment/ plan responsibly. But fear not, I will offer some general info.
Most likely, a workout of sufficient intensity/ duration opens nutrient “windows of opportunity” that supercede the diurnal rhythms in glucose tolerance. Exercise is a powerful stimulus. That is, carbs and workouts almost always go together well.
Regardless of exercise, the morning is a good time to get in carbs (low-glycemic type if not lifting/ running). On scheduled non-exercise recovery evenings (2-3 per week), the usually poorer glucose tolerance is probably less of a problem if one does end up training (muscle contractions result in biochemical changes and glucose uptake very effectively). But use caution training every single night to “improve” daily rhythms - recovery will suffer and overtraining could result!
Oh, and if one trains in the evening, adding fat to the post-exercise P+C mix shouldn’t be a problem based on fairly new research.
I’ve said it before but I’d still love to study just how effective exercise actually is at abolishing such diurnal rythms. A comparison of various AM vs. PM carb loading regimes would shed some light.
On your professional opinion,
I drink something made by Bolthouse Farms called “Green Goodness” and its like a smoothie without the sugar. It (appearently) has all the daily reccomended servings of fruits & vegitables. Tastes kinda like GNC Maximum Greens without the bitter nastiness (I dont even know if that product is any good either).
I dont know whether you are aware of this product, but could I get away with drinking one of those each day instead of eating a veggie salad with dinner? Not that I dont like my veggies, only these drinks seem so much more convienient. Also, they are “flash pasturized” so, I guess all the enzymes are still entact?
Your $0.02 is appreciated.
Dr. Lonman, how do the PUFA’s in Omega-3 eggs maintain integrity throughout cooking?
Answer THAT Dr. Smart guy!
Why are so many people agaisnt the usage of milk in post-workout drinks, even if it’s no-fat/low fat in nature?
Lately I have been mixing my recovery drinks with fat-free milk. Here’s the low down why. I feel that I may actually be giving myself an extra edge during the recovery process by mixing my Surge with 10 oz fat-free milk/10oz water. Here’s my reasoning behind the madness…
According to Dr. JB in his articles here on T-Nation, post-workout nutrition should do the following:
Now Surge does all three of these, but I think all three could be enhanced by mixing fat-free milk into Surge post-workout. This is why…
Fat-free milk has the following:
Because of milk’s high II, a person consuming it within a post-workout drink would increase glycogen restoration rate.
According to Dr.JB’s ‘Post-Workout Puzzle’ articles, leucine provides a syngergestic effect when consumed with CHO by increasing protein synthesis through a certain pathway that is dependent on leucine. Milk would give extra amounts of leucine, further increasing PRO synthesis.
Since Surge only contains whey as a protein source it only contains an anabolic PRO, and not an anti-catabolic PRO. I know Surge will bring a person back into an anabolic state mainly because of the insulin response and CHO consumption, but by adding fat-free milk to the post-workout shake, caseniate is consumed. Caseniate is anti-catabolic, therefore decreasing PRO breakdown even further than Surge alone.
Therefore, one’s post-workout shake could be further enhanced by mixing it with fat-free milk and it would cover the following three important factors of post-workout nutrition as stated above:
So, Dr.LL why is milk considered a red-headed step-child during post-workout nutrition?
Well, I’m a purist. I know there’s a LOT of indirect marketing of “greens” type tablets and whatnot on these Forums but I’m not convinced of their “replacement” value. I haven’t looked at the claims about such products (phytochemical drinks, tabs, etc.) but I’m sure none of the people pushing these would be obtuse enough to claim they fully replace fruits and veggies in the diet.
Do they have their place? I tend to think so. But as you’ll see even the “greens” pundits openly admit, whole foods rule. There are simple ways to start on fruits and veggies. Nuke some broccoli or colored peppers and put in some pasta & (lean) meatballs… make eggplant lasagne with (lean) meat sauce… smother a round steak in mushrooms and onions and peppers… it doesn’t have to always be raw. (Although dipping certain raw veggies in hummus is pretty tasty.) If you flip through some recipe books at a bookstore/ coffee shop you’re bound to find a few fast veggie snacks/ dishes you like.
[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
On your professional opinion,
I drink something made by Bolthouse Farms called “Green Goodness” and its like a smoothie without the sugar. It (appearently) has all the daily reccomended servings of fruits & vegitables. Tastes kinda like GNC Maximum Greens without the bitter nastiness (I dont even know if that product is any good either).
I dont know whether you are aware of this product, but could I get away with drinking one of those each day instead of eating a veggie salad with dinner? Not that I dont like my veggies, only these drinks seem so much more convienient. Also, they are “flash pasturized” so, I guess all the enzymes are still entact?
Your $0.02 is appreciated.[/quote]
Smart guy, eh? Aren’t you doctorally trained to significant degree?
I can say two things.
1.) As yolks cook (denature) more slowly than whites, I usually fry them until they are only just cooked.
2.) I know that the “other” n-3 fatty acid, linolenate, survives cooking in a 350 degree oven (muffins), so I’ve got to thing the DHA eggs, when not overcooked, contribute a significant portion of their “payload”.
But what do I know?
Hey Lonnie!
I posed this question on the fuliginous Barr forum, but I’d also greatly appreciate your take on the issue.
So I’ll throw out this provocative statement, “Creatine supplementation might possess even more benefits during cutting phases, compared to bulking phases.” Now, I’m not saying that I wholeheartedly believe that statement, but I think it creates some good discussions.
What do you think of that notion? Pontificate away, my friend!
One last post tonight. After this, I’ll log off so I can get in a late meal before midnight, as tomorrow brings a “clear liquid” nightmare prior to my ankle surgery.
The three purposes for post-workout nutrition you mention are fairly old school and widely recognized among professionals. If one includes "pre- and mid-session nutrition, he might also consider supression of catabolic cytokines, too.
Your points are well taken. I for one, think low-fat dairy rocks (although I need to remind myself of too much sugar [dairy] during non-exercise periods.) I have seen data in the past, that I will not quote here, that competition among amino acids (AA) for absorption/ metabolism can change the overall effect (vs. a specific AA or blend). Perhaps this is one reason you’ve seen what you have.
Also, anti-milk zealots are out there and will look for reasons to condemn it. (Some of their concerns are real but overall shouldn’t detract from the benefits to milk-tolerant* people). I often limit a milk based shake to my second post-workout “meal” because I simply prefer juicier drinks during and immediately post-exercise.
Hope this perspecive helps.
Take care and good night,
This is a great one to start off with Thursday. I have definite thoughts on this! Thanks! (must eat/ snooze now…)
[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
Hey Lonnie!
I posed this question on the fuliginous Barr forum, but I’d also greatly appreciate your take on the issue.
So I’ll throw out this provocative statement, “Creatine supplementation might possess even more benefits during cutting phases, compared to bulking phases.” Now, I’m not saying that I wholeheartedly believe that statement, but I think it creates some good discussions.
What do you think of that notion? Pontificate away, my friend!