Liver Health

My mother keeps pestering me on all the supps I take. Actually, my entire family on my mother’s side are doctors, and they all keep talking about how taking so many supps and eating a protein-heavy diet will overload my liver… I feel better than ever right now, and pointed this out; in fact, I even offered to take any blood - or other - tests to check on my health. Her response was that there is no way to check if the liver is about to mess up and fail on you, and by the time it does show on tests, it’s too late.

Now, this sounds dodgy as shit to me. My mother is a doctor, but her overall knowledge of nutrition and supplementation is pretty weak, and I don’t know who’s talking: the concerned and irrational parent, or the doctor. On the other hand, it IS starting to get a bit weird to take all these pills. I’m mainly worried about the pill “filler” materials. Here’s what I’m presently taking. In italics are the supplements I do not take permanently; i.e. cycle on and off (Rez-V, Superfood, Receptormax), am taking for Get Jacked Fast (HOT-ROX, ReceptorMax, MultiIntense, DigestForce), or am taking to help cope with the sleep-disruptive effects of a fat loss diet and caffeine (GABA, Valerian Root, extra Magnesium).

Metabolic Drive

General Health:
Poliquin’s MultiIntense
Vitamin D
Flameout&Fish Oil

Valerian Root

Poliquin’s DigestForce

That is to say, that usually, I’d be on ZMA, Fish Oil, Surge, Whey, Leucine, and an occasional health supplement (Rez-V, Superfood, Multivit). How concerned should I be about my health? Am I screwing with my liver? The way people around me make it out to be, I’m living a high-risk lifestyle, lol :(.



um get some milk thistle and throw that in there face.

You were all worried about my liverrr…now guess what…I got a supplement for that HOMIE!


I get soooo tired of Doctors talking ignornace…just because they are a doctor doesn’t mean they are experts on the human body.

I’m like a doctor of weightlifting…I bodybuild…but that doesn’t mean I go around giving powerlifting advice. Does that analogy make sense?

I know what you mean tho. I’ve had some arguments with my family…but it usually ends with me telling them that the cigarettes they smoke and alcohol they drink will kill them and make them look like shit…at least if my ‘bad habit’ kills me I’ll look damn sexy in the f*ckin coffin! lol

I think that the liver might use a break every now and then and often take a break from the supplements for a bit. I am doing this right now, can’t say I feel much of a difference other than some of the jitters from HOT-ROX.

I think everyone will agree that every individual will have different liver tolerances. That being said, the average American college student’s alcoholic beverage habits are FAR more destructive for your liver than anything you’re taking. Just don’t do like frat boys do, and take PH’s by the handful and DRINK EVERY NIGHT! Also if your liver was suffering your skin tone and health would thus reflect said changes. Also don’t take aspirin.

They are showing concern for you, that’s not necessarily bad. Educate them, they should feel better knowing that you are responsible and know what you’re doing.

I was wondering about this for a while as well. I was talking to a guy who has been HIV+ for 20 years now, and almost every life-threatening complication he’s had has been due to the stress his daily meds put on his heart via elevated BP and liver.

I initially freaked out cause he takes roughly 20 pills a day, and I realized I took about 20 pills a day. But then I took a step back and realized most of what i was taking was simply nutrients I wasn’t getting enough of from food: various vitamins, fish oil, BCAAs, minerals etc. All relatively harmless and easily broken down, whereas the stuff he takes daily is practically poison to his body.

I think, yeah its probably a good idea to give your liver a break every once in a long while. Do one of those month-long charcoal detox programs to give the liver and digestive tract a chance to rest and restore themselves. But then again, I’m not nearly an expert in this area, and this is just what I’ve gathered doing a little background reading on the subject. Probably couldn’t hurt at any rate.

Not as bad as drinkin a case of beer a night, or >1 gram of test a week, or both.

Tell her suck it long and suck it hard.

[quote]GetTheHIT wrote:
Not as bad as drinkin a case of beer a night, or >1 gram of test a week, or both.

Tell her suck it long and suck it hard.[/quote]

You want him to tell his mother that?

[quote]elusive wrote:

You want him to tell his mother that?[/quote]

Telling him to stick it in her pooper would be inappropriate.

[quote]GetTheHIT wrote:
elusive wrote:

You want him to tell his mother that?

Telling him to stick it in her pooper would be inappropriate.


wow ftw

I totally agree with you.

Haha, I’m with everyone who said they’re showing concern, and that’s a good thing. But this isn’t exactly a case of “zOMG mah parentz wunt bai meh moar supps.” I’m financially independent, but I do love and respect my family. In most other cases, I can convincingly argue that what I’m doing is right. But I really don’t have a clue regarding the effect the filler materials in pills, powders, etc have on the liver.

DG, “at least if my ‘bad habit’ kills me I’ll look damn sexy in the f*ckin coffin! lol” => LOL! It’s easy to say that, but I doubt me or you will feel that way once faced with an actual coffin.

SpadesofAces => Do you know where a good place to start with research might be? Pretty clueless myself

And, agreed on the alcohol. As for “detoxing,” I’m thinking of doing Intermittent Fasting with minimal supps after the cut; but, I don’t know if that shit is even healthy. All I keep thinking about is how the stomach won’t just “switch off” for all the time I’m not eating, and will start digesting itself :S

[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:


um get some milk thistle and throw that in there face.

You were all worried about my liverrr…now guess what…I got a supplement for that HOMIE!


I get soooo tired of Doctors talking ignornace…just because they are a doctor doesn’t mean they are experts on the human body.

I’m like a doctor of weightlifting…I bodybuild…but that doesn’t mean I go around giving powerlifting advice. Does that analogy make sense?

I know what you mean tho. I’ve had some arguments with my family…but it usually ends with me telling them that the cigarettes they smoke and alcohol they drink will kill them and make them look like shit…at least if my ‘bad habit’ kills me I’ll look damn sexy in the f*ckin coffin! lol[/quote]

thats funny as hell lol

Of course you can test liver health, ask anyone who’s on long term oral meds.

[quote]GetTheHIT wrote:
Not as bad as drinkin a case of beer a night, or >1 gram of test a week, or both.

Injectibles don’t cause liver issues.

[quote]GetTheHIT wrote:
Not as bad as drinkin a case of beer a night, or >1 gram of test a week, or both.


[quote]plateau wrote:
Of course you can test liver health, ask anyone who’s on long term oral meds.[/quote]

This is correct. I’m surprised at a doctor saying otherwise.