Liquid Clenbuterol

This may be a completely stupid question but here goes. I recently started dating a girl who has been in local bodybuilding competitions. She’s never used steroids but has used clenbuterol prior to competitions to drop bodyfat. She mentioned that she used a liquid form and injected in the skin just below her belly button. I’ve herd of clenbuterol tabs and a liquid form that is taken orally but haven’t found anything about injecting it. Does anyone here have any experience with this?


I have heard of it, never seen it. But my ex-wife competed in some fitness shows, and she intro’d me to clen. It seems to have a slight anabolic effect on the females, but I never saw much benefit. I take it occassionally, with a cap of HOT-ROX and other fat burners, but man, the injectable, I couldn’t deal with it. Do you know what the brand is she is using?