Liberal Trolling Post

First of all, I want to get some stuff off of my chest, and this seems like a decent place to do it for now.


#1 For the last fucking time, Bush is NOT the reason that the world sucks right now. I have very little in common with the man, and I’m pretty much diametrically opposed to everything he stands for, but believe it or not, he is closer to being a good guy than the real bad guys.

#2 For example, we like to blame Bush for Iraq because it seems like everything is jacked over there right now… and yes, things could be a lot better, but if you want to blame Iraq on one guy, then you have to lay the blame where it belongs, and that’s Saddam Hussein. That motherfucker has got Bush beat in the evil department by about a thousand percent. If he wasn’t suck a dick, we wouldn’t have had to go over there in the first place, would we?

#3 Quit coddling people that want to destroy our way of life and what we stand for as a people. You are a liberal American, and that means that you love personal liberty, making sure eveyone has a fair chance to make something of themselves, and having an open mind to new ideas and new ways of making a better life for all of us. That means your enemies are those who stand in the way of progress, who hate free societies, who use their power to dominate and oppress rather than uplift.

#4 Most Conservatives are not evil or stupid, they’re just set in their ways and wary of change. I can’t count how many times I’ve been on here and gotten into it with a conservative because they refused to look at life from a different perspective. You see, this is where we shine. You haven’t achieved a certain level and decided to “coast” the rest of the way. Bravo! But that also means I will call bullshit whenever I hear one of us whine about how USA sucks, or that our society is fascist.

#5 And speaking of our nation being fascist: no it’s not you stupid fuck. Those are Green Day lyrics. You have no idea of what real fascism is. There are permanent checks and balances built into our political system which prevent fascism. You are no longer allowed to whine about America being fascist until there is a military coup, the courts are dissolved, and the Senate is dismissed just like in Star Wars.

Okay, I think I’m tapped out for now. But don’t you guys think it would be nice to stop the whining and get some real change going here? Isn’t there something about our country that can be improved? Can we get some real ideas on how to accomplish our righteous goals that don’t involve sitting around and bitching?

C’mon people, we are the smart ones, remember? :slight_smile:

I agree with most of what you say lothario, except #2. Rumsfeld had alot to do with the mess we are in. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 and we can all say we shoulda done this or shaoulda done that. We are obligated to stay there and fix that mess, cutting and running is bullshit.

[quote]lothario1132 wrote:
First of all, I want to get some stuff off of my chest, and this seems like a decent place to do it for now.


#1 For the last fucking time, Bush is NOT the reason that the world sucks right now. I have very little in common with the man, and I’m pretty much diametrically opposed to everything he stands for, but believe it or not, he is closer to being a good guy than the real bad guys.

#2 For example, we like to blame Bush for Iraq because it seems like everything is jacked over there right now… and yes, things could be a lot better, but if you want to blame Iraq on one guy, then you have to lay the blame where it belongs, and that’s Saddam Hussein. That motherfucker has got Bush beat in the evil department by about a thousand percent. If he wasn’t suck a dick, we wouldn’t have had to go over there in the first place, would we?

#3 Quit coddling people that want to destroy our way of life and what we stand for as a people. You are a liberal American, and that means that you love personal liberty, making sure eveyone has a fair chance to make something of themselves, and having an open mind to new ideas and new ways of making a better life for all of us. That means your enemies are those who stand in the way of progress, who hate free societies, who use their power to dominate and oppress rather than uplift.

#4 Most Conservatives are not evil or stupid, they’re just set in their ways and wary of change. I can’t count how many times I’ve been on here and gotten into it with a conservative because they refused to look at life from a different perspective. You see, this is where we shine. You haven’t achieved a certain level and decided to “coast” the rest of the way. Bravo! But that also means I will call bullshit whenever I hear one of us whine about how USA sucks, or that our society is fascist.

#5 And speaking of our nation being fascist: no it’s not you stupid fuck. Those are Green Day lyrics. You have no idea of what real fascism is. There are permanent checks and balances built into our political system which prevent fascism. You are no longer allowed to whine about America being fascist until there is a military coup, the courts are dissolved, and the Senate is dismissed just like in Star Wars.

Okay, I think I’m tapped out for now. But don’t you guys think it would be nice to stop the whining and get some real change going here? Isn’t there something about our country that can be improved? Can we get some real ideas on how to accomplish our righteous goals that don’t involve sitting around and bitching?

C’mon people, we are the smart ones, remember? :)[/quote]

Joe Lieberman is that you?
“How lothario1132 defeated the straw men.”

[quote]Ren wrote:
I agree with most of what you say lothario, except #2. Rumsfeld had alot to do with the mess we are in. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 and we can all say we shoulda done this or shaoulda done that. We are obligated to stay there and fix that mess, cutting and running is bullshit.[/quote]
Unless fixing Iraq requires redeploying as we will certainly do sometime soon. This is something experts, the military, and liberals and most intelligent conservatives agree on.

In other words a consensus.

(cutting and running—still a straw man by the way)

[quote]lothario1132 wrote:
First of all, I want to get some stuff off of my chest, and this seems like a decent place to do it for now.


… [/quote]

Fellow liberals? Who do you think you’re fooling by pretending to be liberal?

[quote]Wreckless wrote:
lothario1132 wrote:
First of all, I want to get some stuff off of my chest, and this seems like a decent place to do it for now.


Fellow liberals? Who do you think you’re fooling by pretending to be liberal?[/quote]

he really is quite liberal in spirit the way he apologizes for, sympathizes with, and tolerates bungling failure.


Interesting stuff. And how about that? Since you don’t toe the party line and have formed independent thoughts of your own, you already have some self-professed liberals lined up to declare you a heretic.

As is, you may disagree with some of us conservatives around here about 95% of the time, but at least with us, you will get a fair hearing. Keep up the good work.

[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:

Interesting stuff. And how about that? Since you don’t toe the party line and have formed independent thoughts of your own, you already have some self-professed liberals lined up to declare you a heretic.

As is, you may disagree with some of us conservatives around here about 95% of the time, but at least with us, you will get a fair hearing. Keep up the good work.[/quote]

Where’s vroom to call at least half the people here kool-aid drinkers?

[quote]doogie wrote:
thunderbolt23 wrote:

Interesting stuff. And how about that? Since you don’t toe the party line and have formed independent thoughts of your own, you already have some self-professed liberals lined up to declare you a heretic.

As is, you may disagree with some of us conservatives around here about 95% of the time, but at least with us, you will get a fair hearing. Keep up the good work.

Where’s vroom to call at least half the people here kool-aid drinkers?

It’s harvest time at the Thinking Tree. He’ll be busy for a couple of days harvesting meaningless ‘daily affirmations’.

I know what you mean. The leftist crazies had driven me into the right wing camp but I would much rather not be there.

As someone that is very turned off by upper management in most companies, is for gay rights (but I find the whole concept of gay marriage strange), has dedicated the last 12 years of my career to environmental issues for less money, thinks the drug war is a complete waste etc., you would think I would be able to pull the lever for a Dem for president.

Unfortunately the Democrats have totally embraced the worldview of the lunatic left and domestically only care about feel good crap that does absolutely nothing to improve anything.

God I wish there was a legitimate third party.

I already posted this in response to HH’s thread but it applies here as well since you made a point about some phantom group wanting to destroy our way of life.

[quote]I would ask, WHY haven’t we ALREADY been attacked again?

It almost defies logic when you consider major issues like the borders being left wide open for four years after 9/11 – and according to to the governments own reports, between 200-300 tons of COCAINE ALONE still makes it into the US from South America. Yet they know EXACTLY where 77% of it comes from and EXACTLY where most of it ends up.

“According to the Interagency Assessment of Cocaine Movement (IACM), an estimated 77 percent of the cocaine detected moving toward the United States in 2003 was transported through the Mexico-Central America corridor, an increase from 72 percent in 2002. Moreover, preliminary data show that the percentage of cocaine detected moving toward the United States through the Mexico-Central America corridor may have been higher than 90 percent in 2004.”

Given that we spent roughly $84 billion on Homeland Security…

Homeland security: Profiting from fear
October 19, 2004
“The security space suddenly became hot,” said Alan Brill, senior managing director of the firm, which offers services ranging from network security audits to digital investigations. “People said, ‘Oh boy, they are going to throw money at this.’”

And that they did. Federal agencies are expected to pay $84 billion toward homeland security this year, up from $5 billion in 2000, according to figures from Homeland Security Research, an analysis firm that covers government procurement.

…but still

U.S. Is Given Failing Grades By 9/11 Panel
Washington Post
December 6, 2005
The federal government received failing and mediocre grades yesterday from the former Sept. 11 commission, whose members said in a final report that the Bush administration and Congress have balked at enacting numerous reforms that could save American lives and prevent another terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

If someone asks me why I believe in conspiracy theories – I say it’s usually because it’s the only thing that makes any sense.[/quote]

Almost every action or inaction taken by our government since 9/11, has had no direct correlation to 9/11 what-so-ever.

Our borders were left wide open; we started a war with a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11; and we haven’t caught bin Laden.

When all things are stripped away, 9/11 can be seen as nothing more than a pretext for a preconceived plan. The “incompetent not evil” excuse doesn’t fly for that reason.

We are supposed to believe that they were too bungling and incompetent to pull off 9/11 yet their preconceived plan to transform the middle east moves merrily along. Despite Afghanistan and Iraq being a cluster fuck (and Lebanon courtesy of Israel) the “incompetent boobs” are still trying to start a confrontation with Iran and/or Syria by the same deception they used to go into Iraq.

British Find No Evidence Of Arms Traffic From Iran
The Washington Post
October 2006
Other senior British military leaders spoke as explicitly in interviews over the previous two months. Britain, whose forces have had responsibility for security in southeastern Iraq since the war began, has found nothing to support the Americans’ contention that Iran is providing weapons and training in Iraq, several senior military officials said.

Group Says Iran Is ‘Not a Crisis’
LA Times
August 16, 2006
Former generals and officials seek to prevent an attack on suspected nuclear sites and to overhaul policies toward Tehran and Baghdad.

IAEA protests “erroneous” U.S. report on Iran
Sept 14, 2006
Sent to the head of the House of Representatives’ Select Committee on Intelligence by a senior aide to International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, the letter said an August 23 committee report contained serious distortions of IAEA findings on Iran’s activity.

The letter said the errors suggested Iran’s nuclear fuel program was much more advanced than a series of IAEA reports and Washington’s own intelligence assessments have determined.

So yes, they ARE evil and yes we ARE moving toward a fascist, military dictatorship.

As Crazy as It Sounds

[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:

Interesting stuff. And how about that? Since you don’t toe the party line and have formed independent thoughts of your own, you already have some self-professed liberals lined up to declare you a heretic.

As is, you may disagree with some of us conservatives around here about 95% of the time, but at least with us, you will get a fair hearing. Keep up the good work.[/quote]

How about you towing the Republican party line and cover up for a pedophile?

Getting a fair hearing? You’re in favor of shipping people of to Guantanome bay without ANY hearing and waterboarding.

That’s your party line.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
I know what you mean. The leftist crazies had driven me into the right wing camp but I would much rather not be there.

As someone that is very turned off by upper management in most companies, is for gay rights (but I find the whole concept of gay marriage strange), has dedicated the last 12 years of my career to environmental issues for less money, thinks the drug war is a complete waste etc., you would think I would be able to pull the lever for a Dem for president.

Unfortunately the Democrats have totally embraced the worldview of the lunatic left and domestically only care about feel good crap that does absolutely nothing to improve anything.

God I wish there was a legitimate third party.

[quote]Wreckless wrote:

How about you towing the Republican party line and cover up for a pedophile?[/quote]

So when did I do this? Quote me.

[quote]Wreckless wrote:
Fellow liberals? Who do you think you’re fooling by pretending to be liberal?[/quote]

You see, this is why I posted. Wreck, please stop sucking so much ass and giving the rest of us a bad name. I haven’t seen a positive “USA minded” post out of you I think… ever.

You strike me (but I could be wrong) as one of those folks I despise who spend their time whining with no better alternative ideas. Every word you type is like a turd falling into my drink. (apologies to Bill Hicks)

C’mon man! There’s gotta be more to you than this!

We have always been the moral high ground. Always. Every single major social advancement of the twentieth century was due to liberals getting shit taken care of… and those people are sorely missed now.

Where’s the new generation of liberal movers and shakers? There’s holding up “No Blood for Oil” signs and sucking asses. Shameful.

I refuse to suck asses along with you bastards. And since I am not one to yield, then I demand that you change, goddammit! The most militant and forceful of us think it’s okay to harass a research scientist who works on animals, but when it comes to real enemies like Saddam Hussein and the Islamofascist cockmonkeys, you fucking pussies run and hide under the bed, screaming that there isn’t a problem.

Fuck that. Right in the ear. If I weren’t a hopeless optimist I would be pretty disgoddamncouraged right now.

[quote]JustTheFacts wrote:
So yes, they ARE evil and yes we ARE moving toward a fascist, military dictatorship.

And again, I’d like to nicely ask you as well to stop sucking so much ass because you are making the rest of us look bad.

I will bet you a Bill of Rights and a Constitution that we will never find ourselves in a fascist state unless we visit Cuba to pick up some cigars.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take your tongue out of that ass and use it to do something better. PLEASE.

All this time you waste trying to find support for some crazy conspiracy Illuminati alien invader theory could be used to do something realistic that actually has bearing on reality and might actually accomplish something.

I understand the need to demonize something before you can attack it, but the conservatives have plenty to answer for without being the centerpiece of an underground secret society bent on world domination and oppression of every human being on Earth.

BIG HINT: You can stick to reality to actually have people pay attention to you. You have a very fertile imagination, why not use it for something constructive, say, what’s a good way to take steps now to solve the impending health care crisis coming in the next ten to twenty years when the baby boomers retire and there’s fewer and fewer folks paying into medicare and fewer and fewer folks able to take care of them all?

Are we going to have enough hospitals then? Where is the money going to come from? What about the personnel problem? We already have a slight shortage of doctors and nurses, how is it going to be in ten years?

C’mon man, there’s got to be more to you than being a crackpot!

[quote]swivel wrote:
he really is quite liberal in spirit the way he apologizes for, sympathizes with, and tolerates bungling failure.[/quote]

Ah, if this about the Fox news thread, then well golly. Sorry if my attitude towards TV as not being all that important to me strikes you as weird.

TV is not about information as much as it is about selling. And that goes about double for news shows like FOX and CNN, et al., because they are selling a political ideology along with dog shampoo and feminine hygiene products.

I can only handle so many commercials until I get annoyed and find something else to do. Maybe that makes me strange.

Okay, and since it’s slow at work tonight, I want to minorly add to my rant some more and see if I can’t piss off some more of my fellow libs.

#6 How in the high holy fuck did we become the ones who will fight tooth and nail for our First Amendment rights, even going so far as to propose crazy shit like taking “IN GOD WE TRUST” off of money, but knuckle under like Grandma getting run over by a truck when it comes to our Second Amendment rights?

How did it ever become “liberal-esque” to cheerfully give up liberty? I am calling third degree bullshit on this. You can’t fight tyranny and oppression with a damn stick when the bad guy has a gun. Remember that tyranny can be very personal, folks. I’m talking about someone trying to take your very life from you while trying to rob you or worse. Gun control my ass.

#7 So we’re like, smart, right? Then how come we can’t come up with a presidential candidate that isn’t a complete choad? We have lost two elections in a row to a former cokehead that has problems with public speaking. We are talking about the highest form of theater here, and we can’t come up with a drama geek or something who’s able to take down a guy that looks like he missed a few branches on the evolution tree?

WTF? Let me repeat myself: THE HIGHEST RANKING “COP” IN THE “WAR ON DRUGS” USED TO SNORT LINES OFF OF A HOOKER’S LEFT TIT IN ROOM 305 IN THE SAN ANTONIO MOTEL 8. And we can’t beat that. There should have been no way that this monkey ever got close to a governorship, let alone the presidency.

And while it may be fun to pretend that there’s a vast right-wing conspiracy controlling elections (shut UP JTF!), this is just more counter-productive whining and avoiding the real problem. We aren’t doing our homework. We aren’t playing to the core values which made us great as a “wing” to begin with. Despite all the good our way of thinking has done for this country, we seem to have lost our way a little bit.

C’mon guys! It’s not like we have some shortage of issues to take the Reps down ten pegs here. They are pretty much fucked if we can just get back to common sense liberal ideals and tell the wackos to take a flying leap into a shark tank.

[quote]Wreckless wrote:
How about you towing the Republican party line and cover up for a pedophile?

That’s your party line.[/quote]

First, I didn’t realize Foley had sex with prepubescents. Well, that’s what a pedophile is. What Foley did was wrong enough. But, let’s not make shit up because it makes for a better soundbite.

Second, unlike Studds, Foley was pressured to resign. Not really a good “cover-up.”

I feel honored that my name was mentioned a couple of times, though I’m not sure why.

Anyway, I think you need to look a bit deeper into politics and the political process before whining about not being able to elect someone that isn’t a coke head.