Notes: Good day. Squats felt pretty good. Near the end of this cycle (in 4 weeks to be exact), I have to complete 265x2x5 reps, and based on how the single felt today, I’m feeling very confident. Bench was actually quite hard due to being tired from the squats lol.
Front Squat
Deficit DL
Machine preacher curls
50x17,8,5 RP
Hammer curls
Leg raises
Notes: Great day. Front squat felt a bit unstable-I’ve done 225x1 almost a year ago. 205 was very fast, just felt awkward. Did DLs again today because I’m switching things around a bit. 3x a week benching makes my elbows hurt, so that’s out.
Changing my training again. I’m going to be base building all the way up until Christmas, and I don’t plan on taking any deloads unitl then(if I do take on at all). For now, I’m going off my own stuff, but once the BBM comes out, I might switch it up. All reps are accelerated as much as possible. Here’s how it’ll look like:
225x3-4x5 reps
Other stuff
More stuff
Pause Squat
Deficit DL
More stuff
I’ll keep these weights and sets until I’m really dominating them. This should probably keep me busy.
For some reason I’m experiencing knee pain right now. That’s only happened once before, and it was after doing DE squats. So I guess I’ll just focus on coming out of the bottom really fast, and just slowing it down a bit at the top.
Notes: Good day. Right elbow was kind of hurting, but nothing too serious. 205 felt very easy, however it’s odd how hard the back off sets were. The incline was also quite embarassing. I think I’ll alternate: Bench heavy one week, Incline heavy the next.
Machine preachers
60x12,50x9,5 RP
Seated hammers
Notes: Great day. End of 1st week of base building. Gonna keep these sets and weights for at least the next two weeks, and then see if I can add sets from there.
Just had an idea. I kind of have a mental block on bench when it comes to 185+, so to combat that, I’ll alternate my bench days.
Day 1
Ramp to 205x3 (paused)
Back off to 175x3x5,3x3
Day 2
185x3-4x5 reps (w/ 90s rest)
For my day 1, I’ll add in another 205x3 set when it feels right, and for day 2, I’ll probably try to get 185x4x5 w/ 90s resdt, then work on cutting rest periods down.
Squat and DL days will stay the same week to week.
And another idea- I don’t like only lifting 3x/week. So I’ll move the incline to a day of it’s own. The rest will become clearer throughout next week.
Notes: Good day. the squats were actually quite hard due to the low rest. I moved my stance out a bit, so now it’s more shoulder width as opposed to olympic stance. It feels…different. I’ll keep this stance at least until Christmas. From now on, all “squats” are this stance, and “Oly squats” will be my old stance.
Notes: Okay day. Bench is weird for me-it never feels consistent from week to week. 225 felt pretty slow today. So here’s my plan: continue doing the over warmup to 225, but after do 185x5x3 reps with 1 min rest. Then do 3x8 reps with whatever weight is challenging w/ 1 min rest.
On second thought, I’m not gonna do that. Every time I go heavy on bench for my ego, I get nowhere. So I’ll stick to my original plan of ramping to 205x3 paused then back off to either 185 or 175.
Notes: Bad day Shoulder is feeling a bit weird right now. Looking back, the best results for bench I had was when I was doing Sheiko. Since I’m not gonna be benching 3x a week, my bench day will look like 185x5x3 reps. I should be able to smoke that.
Notes: Great day. I’m gonna keep doing this exact same workout until Christmas, hopefully the weights will be stupid easy by then. That’s a solid 12 weeks of training.