Leg Curls Calf Cramp

Anyone experience a calf cramp when doing leg curls? I did them today because I felt the hams were lagging but couldn’t get the full rom without the calves cramping up. It only seems to be when getting near the top of the motion.

So I ended up doing half leg curls today.

i experience it. no idea why. it happens when i point the toes to try to get the hams more involved instead of the calves.

I’ve had this happen quite a few times. I just stretch my calves while resting between sets.
If I remember to stretch before I begin a leg workout, it usually isn’t as much of a problem.

[quote]50_Caliber wrote:
I’ve had this happen quite a few times. I just stretch my calves while resting between sets.
If I remember to stretch before I begin a leg workout, it usually isn’t as much of a problem.[/quote]

I fully agree. Do your calf exercises at home on the edge of the steps, one leg at a time. When warming up at the gym do some full range calf or heel raises and this problem will be history.

Leg Curls use the Gastrocnemius as well as the Hamstrings. The reason your calf would cramp is the same reason your hamstrings would cramp if they did: inadequate flexibility, dehydration, or something else that needs fixing.

New motor pattern, probably since it appears you just started doing them. I usually get these when doing the exercise for the first time in a while. Doesn;t reappear after training the exercise for a while. I think it also depends on whether you point your toes out or towards your body.

Dorsiflex your ankle (lift your toes up like you were trying to scratch your kneecap with your toes of the same leg) while you do calf raises and this will help relax the gastroc so it doesn’t cramp on you. As another said, pointing the toes often makes it worse.

Thanks Tim. I’m currently doing your “Shut Up Program” and I’m loving it. Does pulling your toes towards your shin take the emphasis away from your hamstrings (and place them on the gastrocnemius) or am I getting that wrong?

Glad you are enjoying the program. Pulling the toes up places more emphasis on the hamstrings by deactivating the gastroc. Pointing your toes still works the hamstrings but also brings in the gastroc to play more, which is why it is cramping. No matter what you do with your ankle, the hamstrings are always working hard in a leg curl. Keep up the good work, let me know if you have any questions.

[quote]FightingScott wrote:
Leg Curls use the Gastrocnemius as well as the Hamstrings. The reason your calf would cramp is the same reason your hamstrings would cramp if they did: inadequate flexibility, dehydration, or something else that needs fixing. [/quote]

i agree, cramps etc… are related to ur personal fitness level, the more fit u are, the less likely ull experience cramps. and do not stretch before a work out, it doesnt prevent cramps, it weakens and makes u more prone to injuries