Thanks to layne norton and warbird00 i’m going to be doing a strength and hypertrophy program.
I’m 18, 5’10, 172 pounds. The name is Logan. I’m a senior and i used to be fat. Went from 185-144 last year and then bulked with 5x5 from 144 to 170.
Here’s the program:
- Power Upper (Coupounds, low reps, heavy weight)
- Power Lower (Coupounds, low reps, heavy weight)
- Hypertrophy Chest/Arms (Higher reps, more sets)
- Hypertrophy Shoulders/Back (Higher reps, more sets)
- Hypertrophy Legs (Higher reps, more sets)
(I have my rest days between 2. and 3. and then after 5. before 1.)
Sunday: Upper Power
-5x5 or 3x5 for all lifts(5x5 on bulk cause recovery is better, 3x5 on cut)
-Barbell Bench Press
-Barbell Rows
-Military Press
-Barbell Shrugs
( accessory lift for whatever feels the least hit )
Monday: Lower Power
-Squat (ATG) 10x3
-Straight Leg Deadlift 5x5
-6-8 sets of Standing Calf, little higher reps, i like to do 6-8 on heavy days
Tues: Off (I usually do some cardio)
Wednesday: Hypertrophy Chest/Arms
(For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)
-DB Incline Bech 3x8-12
-Barbell Close Grip Bench 3x8-12
-DB Flat Bench 2x8-12
-Preacher Curls 3x8-12 super setted with
-Standing French Press 3x8-12
-Push Downs 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Hammer Curls
-Cable Crossovers 3x8-12
-Ez-curls 3x8-12 supersetted with
-Dips 3x8-12
Thursday: Hypertrophy Shoulders/Back/Traps
(For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)
-DB Shoulder Press 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Front Raise 3x8-12
-DB One Arm Row 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Arnold Press 3x8-12
-Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip) 2x8-12 super setted with
-DB Shrugs 2x10-15
-Lat Pull Down (Close grip, palms facing in) 2x8-12 super setted with
-DB Upright Row 2x10-15
-T Bar Row 2x8-12 (Usually to tired/dead to do this last exercise, but some times i do it)
Friday: Hypertrophy Legs/Calves
(For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)
-Front Squat 5x8-12 super setted with
-Standing Calf 5x10-15
-Leg Extensions 5x10-15 supper setted with
-Sitting Leg Curls 5x10-15 supper setted with
-Sitting Calf Raise 4x8-12
Saturday: Off
The Diet:
“clean” as they call it. 2 cheat meals a week, i could calories of everything that enters my mouth, starting out to shoot for 3.1k calories a day, but i’ll move up by the results and my soreness. NO junk food, soda ( never drank regular pop anyways ), or candy.
Thanks a lot, this is my first journal, so i will be very active. ( also doing one on )