Hey CT,
Current Split is Bench\SGHP\LOWER(DS or FS)\Push Press\SGHP using the JUMPS\RAMP\DENSITY\CARRIES format.
Since I am only hitting bench and push press once a week would it be ok to add some assistance work on those days. Thinking
- Jumps
- Bench Ramp
- Push Press 3 or 4 sets or 3-5 reps
- Bench Density
- Carries
- Jumps
- Push Press Ramp
- Bench 3 or 4 sets of 3-5 reps
- Push Press Density
- Carries
Maybe this is overkill since both session work similar musculature. Having awesome progress with the jump/ramp/density/carry setup and don’t want to needlessly add something that won’t help
[quote]lgerney wrote:
Hey CT,
Current Split is Bench\SGHP\LOWER(DS or FS)\Push Press\SGHP using the JUMPS\RAMP\DENSITY\CARRIES format.
Since I am only hitting bench and push press once a week would it be ok to add some assistance work on those days. Thinking
- Jumps
- Bench Ramp
- Push Press 3 or 4 sets or 3-5 reps
- Bench Density
- Carries
- Jumps
- Push Press Ramp
- Bench 3 or 4 sets of 3-5 reps
- Push Press Density
- Carries
Maybe this is overkill since both session work similar musculature. Having awesome progress with the jump/ramp/density/carry setup and don’t want to needlessly add something that won’t help
Actually I don’t hate it. Never tried it but I know it will work. With the first layer format I wrote about (ramp/cluster/HDL/max pump) it would not have worked, but with the ramp./density/carries it will. Keep me posted.
Do you have an idea of what sort of percentage I should work with on the assistance exercise?