[quote]Varqanir wrote:
tom63 wrote:
You see a movie involving a sniper seeking revenge on a frame job by a shadowy government organization, go see it.
Yeah, but what if it has Mark Wahlberg in it?
Honestly, that was actually a pretty decent film. Wahlberg took a rifle course at Front Sight to prepare for the movie, and the sumbitch can actually shoot.[/quote]
Yep,I so want to not like Wahlberg, but I seem to like most movies he’s in. Actually, I had to see that movie because of Stephen Hunter. I get the new book the day it’s out and read it he same day.
As the saying goes, the book was better, but I think they did a fair job. you couldn’t have ex Vietnam vet now unless you take it back to 1992 or so. And Sam Elliot, my pick for Bob Lee if the movie was made 20 years ago, is to old now. Hell, Tom Selleck is to old now also.
But I’ll give Markie Mark credit, he acts well enough that I believe the role. And the fact that he did train and looks like he could handle a gun sealed the deal for me. I’m hoping they make a few more of Hunter’s books into movies.
But again, don’t worry about whiny woman movies, homo movies etc. you’re going to get wolverine this year, Taken which looks interesting and some other cool stuff.
Just use the Tom checklist, automatic weapons, superheroes, explosions, snipers, good guys winning and go from there.
Also, I really liked Gran Torino. I didn’t take Clint for a real racist. He was a decent guy at heart who didn’t like the bs in the world. I’d rather a guy say racist things, but do the right thing than someone who is a PC talking pussy who you can’t count on.
Actions speak louder than words. And it’s scary to look down the barrel of a 1911.