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“Instead the focus, in movies for e.g., is on minorities. Clint Eastwood’s “Gran Torino” is about a redneck who learns to love Asian immigrants kids. Oscar nominated “Slumdog Millionaire” is about Bombay street kids. Sean Penn’s “Milk” is about a crusader for homosexual rights. Oscar nominated “The Reader” combines pedophilia and German guilt for the Holocaust. “Revolutionary Road” presents a negative view of marriage and the 1950’s, a period when the nuclear family recovered. (I liked this movie, but not the message.) “Doubt” is about homosexuality in the Catholic Church. French Best Foreign Language nominee “The Class” is about immigrant youths and how lovable they are.”

Don’t white Christians ever do anything that a movie could portray?

You had your day, now let us have ours. I’ve seen Milk, Gran Torino, and Slumdog and thought all were excellent!

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

Don’t white Christians ever do anything that a movie could portray?[/quote]

Kidding! Kidding!

Didn’t “Fireproof” just come out last year?

Anyway, this thread is incredibly retarded.

I’ve never actually watched that movie, is it worth downloading?

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
“Instead the focus, in movies for e.g., is on minorities. Clint Eastwood’s “Gran Torino” is about a redneck who learns to love Asian immigrants kids. Oscar nominated “Slumdog Millionaire” is about Bombay street kids. Sean Penn’s “Milk” is about a crusader for homosexual rights. Oscar nominated “The Reader” combines pedophilia and German guilt for the Holocaust. “Revolutionary Road” presents a negative view of marriage and the 1950’s, a period when the nuclear family recovered. (I liked this movie, but not the message.) “Doubt” is about homosexuality in the Catholic Church. French Best Foreign Language nominee “The Class” is about immigrant youths and how lovable they are.”

Don’t white Christians ever do anything that a movie could portray?[/quote]

A Ted Haggert movie is coming out on “HBO”.

Does that count?


[quote]forlife wrote:
You had your day, now let us have ours. I’ve seen Milk, Gran Torino, and Slumdog and thought all were excellent![/quote]

There IS an advantage to being gay! OMG! I haven’t been to a movie in a month! :>

You really should check out any of those three, very well done and I think you would even agree with the core messages in Gran Torino and Slumdog. I’m not holding out hope that Milk will resonate though :wink:

Yeah. Again, this thread is really stupid.

[quote]Inner Hulk wrote:
Yeah. Again, this thread is really stupid.[/quote]

Why do the movies about other groups always get heavily promoted? Also, I’ve seriously never even heard of the movie you have here. Why? And no, I don’t live under a rock…under a bridge maybe but NOT a rock! :>

I’m sure it depends on where you live, but I saw more previews for Fireproof than I did for Milk or Slumdog Millionaire.

Never heard of ‘The Class’ either.

[quote]Varqanir wrote:
Headhunter wrote:

Don’t white Christians ever do anything that a movie could portray?

Kidding! Kidding![/quote]

Yesterday I saw Lillian Gish in Way Down East (1920) on the big screen. (I missed it in the first run.) She helped D.W Griffith make Birth of a Nation and she claimed it was not intended to be racist.

Who cares what movies are made? Go see a film you might like. Or don’t go.

I have the machine gun/gun/scifi-superhero/war movie/ you get the picture standard. If it doesn’t have those things, I’m skeptical.

If it contains words or review that talk about heart rending, love story fort he ages and so on, I pass. you see a movie is about gay cowboys eating pudding, just pass.

You see a movie involving a sniper seeking revenge on a frame job by a shadowy government organization, go see it.

[quote]tom63 wrote:

You see a movie involving a sniper seeking revenge on a frame job by a shadowy government organization, go see it.[/quote]

Yeah, but what if it has Mark Wahlberg in it?

Honestly, that was actually a pretty decent film. Wahlberg took a rifle course at Front Sight to prepare for the movie, and the sumbitch can actually shoot.

[quote]Varqanir wrote:
tom63 wrote:

You see a movie involving a sniper seeking revenge on a frame job by a shadowy government organization, go see it.

Yeah, but what if it has Mark Wahlberg in it?

Honestly, that was actually a pretty decent film. Wahlberg took a rifle course at Front Sight to prepare for the movie, and the sumbitch can actually shoot.[/quote]

Yep,I so want to not like Wahlberg, but I seem to like most movies he’s in. Actually, I had to see that movie because of Stephen Hunter. I get the new book the day it’s out and read it he same day.

As the saying goes, the book was better, but I think they did a fair job. you couldn’t have ex Vietnam vet now unless you take it back to 1992 or so. And Sam Elliot, my pick for Bob Lee if the movie was made 20 years ago, is to old now. Hell, Tom Selleck is to old now also.

But I’ll give Markie Mark credit, he acts well enough that I believe the role. And the fact that he did train and looks like he could handle a gun sealed the deal for me. I’m hoping they make a few more of Hunter’s books into movies.

But again, don’t worry about whiny woman movies, homo movies etc. you’re going to get wolverine this year, Taken which looks interesting and some other cool stuff.

Just use the Tom checklist, automatic weapons, superheroes, explosions, snipers, good guys winning and go from there.

Also, I really liked Gran Torino. I didn’t take Clint for a real racist. He was a decent guy at heart who didn’t like the bs in the world. I’d rather a guy say racist things, but do the right thing than someone who is a PC talking pussy who you can’t count on.

Actions speak louder than words. And it’s scary to look down the barrel of a 1911.

For the record, Gran Turino is fucking amazing, I think you would thoroughly enjoy it HH.

I’ve never learned so many new racial slurs in two hours

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
“Instead the focus, in movies for e.g., is on minorities. Clint Eastwood’s “Gran Torino” is about a redneck who learns to love Asian immigrants kids. Oscar nominated “Slumdog Millionaire” is about Bombay street kids. Sean Penn’s “Milk” is about a crusader for homosexual rights. Oscar nominated “The Reader” combines pedophilia and German guilt for the Holocaust. “Revolutionary Road” presents a negative view of marriage and the 1950’s, a period when the nuclear family recovered. (I liked this movie, but not the message.) “Doubt” is about homosexuality in the Catholic Church. French Best Foreign Language nominee “The Class” is about immigrant youths and how lovable they are.”

Don’t white Christians ever do anything that a movie could portray?[/quote]

Are you high? You must be if you have a hard time finding movies that feature white christians or are about the lives or accomplishments of white christians.

The movie industry is a business - they occasionally make movies about minorities because they make money - because people watch them. Are you against business?

Are the homosexuals in “doubt” not white? If they are white, then they would be white christians, you know…

Are you trying to look like a blind anti-business homophobe?

[quote]Brayton wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
“Instead the focus, in movies for e.g., is on minorities. Clint Eastwood’s “Gran Torino” is about a redneck who learns to love Asian immigrants kids. Oscar nominated “Slumdog Millionaire” is about Bombay street kids. Sean Penn’s “Milk” is about a crusader for homosexual rights. Oscar nominated “The Reader” combines pedophilia and German guilt for the Holocaust. “Revolutionary Road” presents a negative view of marriage and the 1950’s, a period when the nuclear family recovered. (I liked this movie, but not the message.) “Doubt” is about homosexuality in the Catholic Church. French Best Foreign Language nominee “The Class” is about immigrant youths and how lovable they are.”

Don’t white Christians ever do anything that a movie could portray?

Are you high? You must be if you have a hard time finding movies that feature white christians or are about the lives or accomplishments of white christians.

The movie industry is a business - they occasionally make movies about minorities because they make money - because people watch them. Are you against business?

Are the homosexuals in “doubt” not white? If they are white, then they would be white christians, you know…

Are you trying to look like a blind anti-business homophobe?


Quit braying.

And one can’t be a true Christian and be gay. Just like no true Christian could have voted for Obama, with his stand on abortion.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

And one can’t be a true Christian and be gay. Just like no true Christian could have voted for Obama, with his stand on abortion.


/Thread. Seriously. Go back under your bridge. I was kinda sorta reading this thread until I saw this comment. It’s going to go downhill fast from here, so lets just cut to the chase and call TSB now and let it die before the napalm starts flying any more…