Last Resort

i havnt been on in a while. kinda pissed. ived tried two diff. sources. burned. so i got my girlfriend to steal some androgel and also androderm (she works at eckerds). the patches are way to weak so im still lookin for somethin legit. i work 7 12s and still find time to workout so i dont have very much discretionary time to be online amd so forth. just wanted to inform everyone that androgel sucks. anybody want it just pm me. -Jason

[quote]rellaw wrote:
i havnt been on in a while. kinda pissed. ived tried two diff. sources. burned. so i got my girlfriend to steal some androgel and also androderm (she works at eckerds). the patches are way to weak so im still lookin for somethin legit. i work 7 12s and still find time to workout so i dont have very much discretionary time to be online amd so forth. just wanted to inform everyone that androgel sucks. anybody want it just pm me. -Jason[/quote]

I have a hamburger that tastes like shit, anyone want it?

That’s pretty hardcore that you had your girl steal scheduled drugs from a pharmacy, dude.

[quote]InCorporeSano wrote:
That’s pretty hardcore that you had your girl steal scheduled drugs from a pharmacy, dude. [/quote]

You mean wrecklessly stupid. Way to put her in danger of being arrested.

[quote]helga wrote:
rellaw wrote:
i havnt been on in a while. kinda pissed. ived tried two diff. sources. burned. so i got my girlfriend to steal some androgel and also androderm (she works at eckerds). the patches are way to weak so im still lookin for somethin legit. i work 7 12s and still find time to workout so i dont have very much discretionary time to be online amd so forth. just wanted to inform everyone that androgel sucks. anybody want it just pm me. -Jason

I have a hamburger that tastes like shit, anyone want it?[/quote]

what kind of shit we talking here? Dog crap or rabbit pellets?

[quote]BIGRAGOO wrote:

You mean wrecklessly stupid. Way to put her in danger of being arrested.[/quote]

I wasn’t commending him. I thought it was horrifying and indicative of what a chump this guy is (look at his prior posts and you’ll see what I mean) that he would endanger someone he supposedly cares about in such a way.

To the OP: if you’d done your research you’d know that Androgel sucks before you put your girl AND you at risk of doing time for a whole laundry list of crimes. Way to go.

[quote]InCorporeSano wrote:
That’s pretty hardcore that you had your girl steal scheduled drugs from a pharmacy, dude. [/quote]

Hardcore? What part of Cali do you live in?

[quote]slimjim wrote:
what kind of shit we talking here? Dog crap or rabbit pellets?[/quote]

No, neither of those. hang on, let me have another taste… I think it is more of a grassy cow crap type shit.

[quote]InCorporeSano wrote:
I wasn’t commending him. I thought it was horrifying and indicative of what a chump this guy is (look at his prior posts and you’ll see what I mean) that he would endanger someone he supposedly cares about in such a way.

To the OP: if you’d done your research you’d know that Androgel sucks before you put your girl AND you at risk of doing time for a whole laundry list of crimes. Way to go. [/quote]

Now see I thought you might have been joking. Text is so ambiguous sometimes.

Think cattle pellet conversion

NO sources required

NO laws broken till you do the work in PRIVACY of your own home

If you are afraid of injecting something you brewed up in the kitchen (and you think androgel) is worth the effort

Consider making your own test base from syno H and phlojel, add in some transdermal fina and you have a real cycle.

I’m up 15lbs in 3 weeks 4 days here from just such a homebrew (no gain in fat … waist the same size … gobs of water retention, the usual)

Of course this site has become very liberal in allowing source information. Think Paper and stealth and google and you have a pretty safe mail delivery.

ALOT safer than having your girl steal a scheduled substance for 'ya.

Trust me when Law Enforcement shows up everyone usually starts running there mouth and chances are your girl will get you in trouble whether she means to or not.

Wow, no kidding. You can be damn certain that heads will roll the next time they do any inventory…I am sure there are only a limited number of employees who have access to that stuff. You can be certain that all fingers will be pointed at your girlfriend …‘she dates the big guy’. Check around for paper products and while you’re at it start looking for another job for your girl.

[quote]scotty144 wrote:

ALOT safer than having your girl steal a scheduled substance for 'ya.

Wow, no kidding. You can be damn certain that heads will roll the next time they do any inventory…I am sure there are only a limited number of employees who have access to that stuff. You can be certain that all fingers will be pointed at your girlfriend …‘she dates the big guy’. Check around for paper products and while you’re at it start looking for another job for your girl.

Or the guy is totally full of it and is fishing b/c he’s law enforcement; in that case, everyone needs to stop giving him useful info because of some BS bro-code idiocy. Let the guy find his own gear, if he’s halfway motivated he’ll get what he needs. Jesus.

Yea, I guess this dude could be LE but he would be pretty stupid at this point not to know what info we have provided already.

Even politicians in washington knows about what I’ve already said.

Here’s the low down

  1. Cattle Pellets

Farmers ARE very powerful in the political influence arena THEY DON’T want to be bothered with restrictions. Most muscle heads either have easy access to gear or don’t want to mess with conversions (either they are too dumb to do it or have a good source)

  1. Paper

They know about it but addressing it in the public forum would just draw attention to it. Its a logistical nightmare to customs, who can only catch 1% of glass vials (which are very x ray viewable) coming through

  1. Stealth

the same issues as paper but they may with a few changes catch a person or two. I suspect we have only a few months till this gets just as risky as vials. Get some now. Just my opinion

[quote]InCorporeSano wrote:
scotty144 wrote:

ALOT safer than having your girl steal a scheduled substance for 'ya.

Wow, no kidding. You can be damn certain that heads will roll the next time they do any inventory…I am sure there are only a limited number of employees who have access to that stuff. You can be certain that all fingers will be pointed at your girlfriend …‘she dates the big guy’. Check around for paper products and while you’re at it start looking for another job for your girl.

Or the guy is totally full of it and is fishing b/c he’s law enforcement; in that case, everyone needs to stop giving him useful info because of some BS bro-code idiocy. Let the guy find his own gear, if he’s halfway motivated he’ll get what he needs. Jesus. [/quote]

Halfway motivated???. i tried for 2 months, got burned twice and lost hard earned money. i KNOW that research is the key to not gettin burned it doesnt take a genius to figure out how to get some gear on the net. im no dumbass. or law enforcement by the way. you must not konw what its like to work 84 hours a week huh? its pretty rough. i have NO time. really not even enouth time to workout, eat properly, ect. much less spend hours on the internet researching something that shouldnt be so difficult esp. when i get comments in return from people like you who obviously have all day to sit on your ass in front of a computer screen and think of rude, humerous things to reply back to people like me. i wont be asking for anyones help on here or any other site again because obviously a helping hang is pretty rare these days. and by the way. i never asked my girlfriend to steal from eckerds. she knew what i wanted and took some expired stuff for me one day. there is another guy who works there that steals vials and many other controlled subs and has been workin there for years and so has she so i dont think she would have done anything to put her job at risk. i used to have a GREAT source. domestic next day delivery , free shipping, BEST prices and BEST gear. but unfortunately i lost that source. and unfortunately i havnt found another one and doesnt look like im gonna. so maybe ill just go with the homegrown all natural way.