This is an article about an apparent discovery of an obesity gene… appologies if someone posted already (i havn’t seen it around!)
What’s amazing is they say “1 out of 100 obese people have this gene”, and yet the article is discussing using gene therapy to solve obesity… sigh… i bet it’s going to make millions of lard arses feel happy though.
I can’t believe all the money they spend on researching this “disease”. They try to find genes, try to create vaccines, blame it on a virus…They’re wasting money that could be spent on research for real diseases.
When are they gonna realize the only cure is not to stuff their faces full of food and get the fuck off the couch!
maybe if they do gene therapy, they’ll speed their metabolism so much that they can’t eat enough food to maintain body mass and will waste away to death!
[quote]pookie wrote:
Really? Two thirds (turds?) of Americans are overweight. If you can market something to them, you’ve got 200 million potential customers.[/quote]
Then these investors should buy themselves a gym or sell wholesome foods. Two methods that are proven already to work!
No R&D necessary, no side effects. Curing the disease, rather than covering up the symptoms.
The problem is lazy asses. People want to enjoy shit food, because their ideals of flavor and texture are warped. They’ve been tricked into “newer is better”. They also enjoy the convienence.
In a sane world, we wouldn’t need both parents working 40 hours to support a family. Then there would be time for food preparation and caring for the health of the family.
This is how it was, up until the women’s liberation movement, which must have been engineered by evil capitalists who wanted to suck dry our lifeblood even further.
“Ah, show them ‘Mary Tyler Moore’ and make women believe that they will be empowered by working, even as we suck the power of the family!”
The purpose of the propagandist is to convince the target that his interest and theirs are the same.
You want to know about freakonomics, take a look at the “obesity epidemic” graphed against total hours worked per adults. When women weren’t working as they are now, that total hours might have been near two-thirds of what it is today.