Since I have only been back at the gym for a month now I have noticed huge drops in strength. Chins went from 10 to 3. Ugh. Anyway I heard of impressive strength gains for people using ladders. I was wondering what tempo would you use I’m assuming explosive concentric with out much of a negative. Rest periods? Note I also want to do standing military presses in this work out. Thanks.
I would do your military presses first. But in any case if you workout on your own set a rest period and stick with it.
ie do 1 rep rest 30 seconds then do two, rest 30 seconds.
Or do it the regular way. Do one rep then rest as long as it took you to do that rep then do two rest as long there for two reps and then go again.
As for explosive concentric I would agree, but I would surely get a solid negative.
Quality over Quantity.
Using ladders I have gone from 6 to 11 to 14 to 16 to 19 quality chins.
Thanks Greg. Any Reason for doing the military presses first? I think for chins I will do a slow negative 4 seconds but with no pauses. Lastly and lets see if I got this right? I do one rest do two rest do 3 rest etc. until I get to my max then work back down. As I said I’m a weak bastard at the moment (at least for chins) so if 3 or 4 is my highest I go 1,rest,2,rest,3,rest,2,rest,1 and that’s it? 9 reps total? or do I now wait like 3 min and do it again?
I can’t even do one, well I can just not in good form. My left shoulder kinda drops back and it doesn’t look good at all. I’m curious if its something wrong with it or is it just weak, and if its just weak how can I bring it up to par?
Well you can try it either way. I find that if you really give a good effort doing chins it can sometimes take away from other exercises. But try it. I usually swap every couple of workouts and have found that to work best.
As far as your ladder do what you can do. Do not fail though. if you can do 1rest2rest then 1rest 2rest then again to get 9 then do it. Then rest 3-5min then go again.
For the other person that posted that they can only do 1. Work on doing negatives. Make sure they are good negatives. As for your one side doing something funky I would tend to think its just a matter of strength. I had a bit of a hitch where I would lift up and my right would continue to pull but my left side was lagging. It wasnt too long before I was able to just do a chin with no hitch.
If you havent I would take a look at and take a look at the articles and the discussion site.
Thanks Greg. I’ll give it a go.