Hi guys!
Long time lurker here. Been having low T symptoms for too long. Decided to get them check many times in the last 3 years. Will post labs a bit under.
Been consulting few docs in Montreal, but for some reason, they always say that being on the bottom range is absolutely normal. It is frustrating because I feel like I’m not feeling optimal and always seems to be lagging…
My symptoms are:
Low energy
Low motivation
Bad sleep
No libido
Brain fog
Here are my labs through the years
Labs from July 2019
Next are a couple months after, doc told me to test 3 months later
Doc told me I was normal and didn’t want to actknowleged my symptoms and told me it was all in my head, got prescribed Wellbutrin, didn’t use it.
Next labs are 2 weeks ago. I went to a private doc, hoping he would be more open about potential use of TRT if results would be low… here are the labs
My TSH levels are high by forums recomendations, test is obviously low too, explains why I feel like shit. Docs in Montreal Canada never test more than TSH which is frustrating.
He told me to take a test booster that contains DAA and Tongkat Ali. I’m very sceptic about those supplements, they might provide a small boost, but I doubt it will make even a small difference.
About me, my name is Alex, I used to train alot in my 20’s, but now, I’m basicly MTBing 4-5 days a week. Lots of biking, I’m relatively in shape, 180 lbs, 10% bodyfat.
Diet is clean as a whistle, used to count macros by the grams, now, I meet my protein goal and focus on a lot of carbs, and 100g fat every day.
I’d like to have you guys advice… I’m on the verge to self medicate as no docs want to help it seems.
Thanks guys, this forum has golden info, and I’ve been reading for months on end, which is why I’m willing to jump the fence for self TRT knowing everything that comes with it.