Labs and ED Question

Hey all, first real post, thanks in advance for any help.

I’ve been on TRT for about 2 years, 41 years old. Started Sub 300, doing great now overall.
My original doctor was a clinic that just threw out test and wasn’t even reporting on the controlled substance logs. They were giving me about 150 twice a week, had me near 2000 which was a massive issue. I left them after about 3 months when I realized they were basically killing me.
My current provider got me leveled around 800-1000 normally. My issues are as follows:

We adjust dosing everytime I get labs, I tend to get my labs more than most people because I like seeing the numbers but I’m having a lot of ups and downs. Prior to getting on trt I didn’t really have erection issues just was tired a lot but still had a super high sex drive.

On TRT I’ve had intermittent erection issues. I’ll get a month or 2 of superman style erections like I was 15 and then nothing (still have a sex drive but soft / weak erections)

Attached are my most recent labs:
At lab time my regimen was
Test E - 2x weekly (weds / saturday) - .20/.25 200ml - after labs adjusted to .25 2x
Anastrozole - .25 weekly (1/2 that each injection)
Gonadorelin - 2x weekly - .5 each injection
Cabergoline - .25mg 1x weekly

I have a feeling my e2 is the issue. I have considered cutting out anastrozole but my provider said that is crazy.

I also have some qualms about my doctors overall knowledge. They helped me escape the prior clinic I was with but failed to recognized my high prolactin for nearly a year (before cab I was around 5 and it was definitely causing me erection issues which fixed immediately after treatment with cab but now still happen). I had to research it and request it be reviewed specifically.

At the time of these labs I was also a regular heavy cannabis user. I have since quit completely and have a clean system.
I occasionally use tadalafil (5mg) for general performance in the gym and erection boost but I don’t want that to be my life. My friends on TRT are having regular full performance erections without it.

Any input or ideas on how to keep my erection quality at its peak are appreciated.

The low prolactin is most likely your problem, chronic cannabis exposure is associated with lower baseline prolactin levels. As far as Cialis, you have to think of it as part of your health lifestyle choices, like eating healthy food, because Cialis has numerous health benefit beyond its intended purpose.

It’s not a competition, it’s about your health, ED drugs are tied to 25% lower death risk in healthy men.

I’ve been thinking of just cutting out the cab completely

My overall athletic performance on tadalafil is way better for sure in just wanna perform in the bed same as out

How can you increase prolactin in a sensible manner?

I over-respond to Cialis in this area, with regards to the better pump in life. I get this crazy sustained energy 24/7, almost like a stimulatory effect similar to ADHD meds, like Vyvanse.

I would take the approach to remove what’s causing the low prolactin and allow the body to regulate itself. Using Cialis with its many health benefits will only help you achieve normality.

If and when your prolactin recovers, then you can stop Cialis.

Quite possibly overdoing it on the Caber. Also, the Gonadorelin is pointless, you can just drop it and save your $$