Lab Tests for Blood Work

I’ve been blasting and cruising high doses 700mg a week to low 250mg a week for a couple years now, I just now am able to afford healthcare. What tests do I request when asking for blood work

Everything. Literally everything. You could have the Spanish Armada floating in your blood and you wouldn’t know it. You probably also want to get an EKG and if necessary an echo as well. You need to inform your doctor of what you’ve been doing, otherwise he/she will be utterly in the dark about why no need these things.

When was your last round of blood work?

How could you afford your test and not healthcare? Something dosent add up lol

CBC w/lipid panel
Male Hormones - TT, FT, E2, SHBG, Prolactin… you can skip FSH/LH they will be zero

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Thanks man