[quote]Beowolf wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Beowolf wrote:
Bin Laden was rich. His supporters? The ones who actually blow the crap out of themselves? You think they have money? Really?
They are not poor. The 9/11 hijackers were westernized educated men. they were not rock sucking poor guys caught up in tribal feuds.
I was more talking about the ones that blow themselves up in the Middle East itself.
Rich people don’t suicide bomb, they entice other people to suicide bomb with promises of glory. If you honestly believe poverty doesn’t create a culture of violence, you’ve never been to a slum.
What about those doctors that suicide attacked the airport in Britain?
Exceptions shall exist. Just like many rich men went out on the crusades… because they were bored.
As for Islam itself, there are terrible things built into every religion. Islam needs reform just like Christianity did not-so-many centuries ago, and Hinduism did up until just recently. You are correct in saying that not all Muslims are jihadists because they ignore that part of their religion. Similar to how not all Christians are wife beaters, not all Hindu’s support the caste system, and not all Buddhists are vegetarians.
Islam isn’t the problem. Those who currently LEAD Islam are the problem.
All the way back to Muhammed.
Yep. And Christianity has been fucked up since Peter, Judaism since Abraham. What of it?
(And, making sure you noted this, I’ve already suggested we stop giving so much money to their oil barons. I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page for that, at least.)
I would love to but oil is still the most practical energy source and we have to deal with it.
We’re kind of sitting on a pretty little oil reserve right here on American soil… or under it rather. Had you forgotten?
You really don’t understand the nature of these jihadists and how deep it is rooted in Islam.
Islam means submission. Do you want to submit?