Krill Oil Smelly Sweat Problems

Hello! I have taken krill oil for its health benefits but after about a week of taking it, it makes my sweat smell. As I live in a tropical country this then impregnates my clothing too. My question is if anybody has taken krill oil and also got smelly sweat as a result and then taken another brand or other brands and the smell did not happen? I am more interested in this than people who have taken brand X and it didn’t make their sweat smell because it could just be that your individual body does not produce smelly sweat because of krill oil, and not the brand. So, anybody taken a brand and then started taking another brand and the smelling stopped? What were the brands if so?

I have tried to take it for a week and then stop for 1.5-2 until my sweat returns to normal but the health benefits really accrue after you take it for a prolonged period of time so this is probably negating some of the positive impacts the krill has on my health.