hey jasehxc, i do get info myself. i wanted an intelligent response from a experienced lifter as myself. u are a f#@%&^* BITC% A$$$ CUN#
[quote]n8dawg360 wrote:
hey jasehxc, i do get info myself. i wanted an intelligent response from a experienced lifter as myself. u are a f#@%&^* BITC% A$$$ CUN# [/quote]
It’s called “fucking bitch ass cunt”. From the tone of your posts you cannot be heavier than 160lbs and mentally you cannot be older than 15.
You are the poster-child for an immature teenager who apparently knows-it-all, yet is still able to fuck up every rudimentary part of muscle-building. It’s not rocket science, you know.
However, since you know it all better, keep throwing hundreds of dollars down the drain for useless supps (you’re worried about “side effects” of teh hardcore powderz, when in fact there are literally no effects whatsoever).
As for myself, my workout booster protocol consists of heavy metal while I’m driving to the gym and putting myself in an artificially aggressive state before the heavier lifts. I find that to work quite well at an astonishing 0$ per bottle.
[quote]n8dawg360 wrote:
hey jasehxc, i do get info myself. i wanted an intelligent response from a experienced lifter as myself. u are a f#@%&^* BITC% A$$$ CUN# [/quote]
From the tone of that post you cannot be heavier than 160lbs and mentally you are certainly not older than 15, since you apparently know-it-all, yet are still able to f´ck up the most rudimentary aspects of building muscle. It’s not rocket science, you know.
But what do I know, since you “know what works for you”, keep pouring hundreds of dollars down the drain for useless supps (you’re worried about the “side effects” of teh hardcore powderz, when in fact there IS no effect whatsoever). You apparently need the placebo effect to motivate you to go to the gym.
My booster protocol consists of heavy metal while driving to the gym and putting myself in an artificially aggressive state before heavy lifts. I find this to work quite well at an astonishing 0$ per tub.
I would suggest not wasting money on OTC test boosters… Just get creatine monohydrate. Jack3d is ok, I like ASGT from LG sciences better by far. Spike drinks are good too. Thats what I have to say about the stuff you asked about.
Personally, if you want some stimulants, just get nodoz (caffeine pills) you can get 60 servings for like 6 bucks… even if you take 2 at a time, that is still really fucking cheap. Thats what I do unless I really feel like shit. Then I will take some ASGT.
Take creatine every day. Mixing t-bomb with whatever won’t hurt anything, just waste a little more money…
Only things I use are creatine mono and a Spike if I need to wake up (desk job zzzzzzz). Jack3d is a poorly formulated waste of money.
Take all the money you have set aside for these supplements.
Buy as much steak and as many eggs as you can.
im 205 u incomp
Have you tried Super Nitro Juice 5000? It’ll get ya swole to the max, brah
[quote]Fezzik wrote:
The best forms are creatine monohydrate (available from T-Nation) and creatine ethyl ester. [/quote]
I agree with the general gist of your post, but I read a convincing-enough study of CEE to indicate that it’s ineffective. Plus, it’s more expensive, and it tastes worse than Mono. so I wouldn’t recommend it.
Unfortunately, none of this helps the OP with the penis problem.
[quote]n8dawg360 wrote:
Well instead of kre alkalyn what do you recommend? gaspari size on? and Ive taken jack3d before and superpump and noxplode and fierce all the bullshit. What pre workout do you take? im curious. The thing is I like preworkouts but I want something that is stronger without it having to be steroids, hgh, etc. I get tested. Ive taken a test booster before but just the cheap kind. IS t bomb 2 good? or should I try Alpha Male, etc?. I know I wrote a lot but its hard to get a straight answer from anyone because everyone is different and everyone has different opinions.[/quote]
All test boosters are shit.
DAA will work some.
High dose tribulus (4g a day) will work some
Arimitest was decent as an OTC aromatase inhibiter, but its ATD was banned so all the OTC AIs will suck now…
Fancy supplements are usually a waste of money and just a product of good marketing.
BCAAs, basic creatine monohydrate, glutamine, beta-alanine, HMB, and a greens supplement are about the only things worth buying, and the good thing is, they are generally cheap unless you go for the versions in shiny labels.