Bought my first gym membership 5 years ago, did the usual body building nonsense and went nowhere. Started training for strength 2ish years ago and never looked back.
Entered my first strongman comp last year placed 3rd in the novice division but at the weight class above me (weighed 225 but competed in the 231+ division because it was the only way I would get a chance to deadlift a car)
plan on competing again over the summer in the open division even if my ass gets handed to me
Current Maxes
Push Press 255
Deadlift 525
Bench 325
Squat 425 (shit)
Front Squat 295 (horrible)
I’m also getting married in 3 weeks so I’m in a bit of a dieting phase at the moment
4a. Overhead DB Triceps Extension
80 4x10
4b. DB Curls
50x8,7 45x7,6
Trying to stay strong while also trying to look good for the destination wedding. I’ve already lost 15 pounds from my max earlier this year of 230. Some loss in strength but I’m liking the increased conditioning and work capacity.
Front Squat
225x3 255x3 275x3 295x2 (PR) 295x1 225x8
2a. ATG High Bar Paused Squat (2 sec.)
2b. Toes-to-bar
5 rounds:
20 KB Swings 50#
10 Lunges 50# in 1 hand
10 Lunges 50# other hand
20 Situps
Front Squats felt good today and was able to get a descent PR. The reason for my drastically weak front squat compared to back squat is a mobility/form issue (I think). I have abnormally long femurs which sucks for squatting. My goal is to get my front squat as close to 80% of my back squat as possible. But I have a long way to go…
Thank you man. I’m flying out on Thursday so it’s crunch time.
Deadlift (beltless)
405x5, 6, 5
Front Squat
185x12, 6 very little rest
Back extensions
BWx 25, 15, 10
The weight loss and increased frequency are taking its toll on my strength. After the wedding the goal is to gain 15 pounds as clean as possible to compete in the 231 class. I’m really looking forward to that.
Well I got married on the 19th of April and have been trying to add some size as cleanly as possible ever since. I got down to 208 after the honeymoon but have been able to add 10 pounds. My lifting numbers are back to a respectable level.
I will be aiming to compete in Long Island’s Strongest Man competition in October. So over the next 6 weeks my goals are to add about 10 more pounds to my frame so I can start a peaking cycle around 10 weeks out at 225-230lbs and to work on conditioning. To achieve this I have been doing a lot of volume and eating 3,000-3,500 calories a day. Here’s what I did today:
Rack Deadlifts with straps:
315x3, 365x3, 405x3, 455x3, 495x3, 545x1 (left a bit in the tank)
Bent Over Rows
Good Mornings
135x10, 185x10, 205x10
Lat pulldowns 3x12ish
DB Curls 40’sx3x10
Hex DB Holds 25#x25 seconds (Grip shot at this point)