kiss another choice good-bye

Calif. to Ban Teens From Tanning Booths

“There is a big difference between going to the beach and a tanning salon,” said the bill’s author, Assemblyman Joe Nation, a Democrat. “When kids go to the beach they put on sun screen.”

please, tell me nobody is that stupid?
-if your not going to wear sunscreen, who the fuck cares where the UV rays come from.


yeah I just saw that one the local newscast. how stupid is government gonna act? the democrats are doing something they have been trying to get Arnie to do all this time- waste taxpayers’ money. Making a ridiculous bill is a waste. Tanning booths? Just riding a bus or car ride to school is enough to cause skin cancer. If they are compelled to make a bill to protect people from getting skin cancer it should be to keep white people out of the sun. But that is equally stupid because I am all for the theory that because the Earth’s EMF is weakening rapidly, low intensity radioactive UV rays are bombarding humans at asuch a rate that cancers of all types are on the rise.

Just let your kids get the orange glow! Rofl

Christ almighty!

People should be rioting in the streets!

Ephedra, andro, this- the government shouldn’t be allowed to just step in and decide what’s “good for us” !!

Harmful!? Ban it!

Pleasureful? Ban it!!

Misunderstood?! Ban the fuck out of it!

This is absolutely ASSININE.

Yes, I realize that tanning, whether artificially, or naturally out in the sun, isn’t “healthy” per se but GODDAMNIT THATS NOT THE POINT. WHAT RIGHT DOES THE GOVERNMENT HAVE TO TELL US WHETHER OR NOT WE CAN OR CANT DO SOMETHING (I’m not talking about murder and shit like that, lets not get into the semantics of logical laws).

Ok, I really can’t elaborate any further thoughts because of the rage so maybe someone else will come along and provide some coherent statements-So!I’m gonna go eat some cow, in a tanning bed, while popping ephedra.

someone tell the politicans that smoking causes cancer… and a hell of a lot more people die from smoking than skin cancer



tobacco industry has money

wow… i spoke to soon…

Landmark Bills Would Give FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco

FRIDAY, May 21 (HealthDayNews) – The introduction of bipartisan federal bills that would give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (news - web sites) sweeping powers to regulate tobacco products could prove to be the fourth historic move in the past 40 years to curtail smoking in the United States.


I have an idea.

User payer, so to say.

Just fuckin charge a surtax on sunscreen and pool that money into a skin cancer tidalwave emergency fund.

Just make sure the government doesnt control the funds money distribution process. Theyre good for collecting money, but they cant be trusted for managing it.