KFC/Scarred Little Girl Incident-Hoax

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
SO in the end KFC is doing the right thing? The global office or this local franchise?[/quote]

I believe KFC’s corporate office is donating the money. I also think they had a hand in the investigation so it appears like they did make a genuine effort, according to reports to figure out exactly what happened.


This also gives some more details although their “inside source” may be questionable and appears to be nothing more than an employee or a shift manager at best.

[quote]magick wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]magick wrote:
This gets you riled up?

Here’s one that’s MUCH WORSE =D

But, ya, don’t be quick to believe what you read online.[/quote]

What a mess.[/quote]

Indeed. Everything that I hate about the internet encapsulated into one incident.[/quote]

And that spawned this a month or two later if I remember correctly.

That one actually came a couple of months earlier (the nigger one is from a month ago, while that anti-gay one is from Nov. of last year).

I just didn’t see that article back, though I remember seeing the article originally talking about the anti-gay thing.

But they do amount to the same thing- Someone claims that they got insulted and get a lot of donations. It turns out later that it may not have happened in the first place.

The fact of the matter is, people have been ripping each other off since time immemorial. Just because they happened to be something that fits your pet cause/your personal belief, DOESN’T mean that you should blindly accept it.

Like I said, I hate the internet.

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
wtf has been going on over here[/quote]

Well I had a guy call me a baby killer in PWI earlier this week, so pretty much same ol same ol… [/quote]

I’m sitting in my local bar about 8am in the morning. Eating breakfast. We have a marine veteran there every day, looks about 70, wears a usmc hat and jean jacket. Drunk by 8am but reads his books at the bar, stays until closing, never a jerk, knowledgeable about history with all that reading. ( I’ve never made it the entire day but I’ve stopped in at night and he’s always there).

In comes this blustery looking fat white guy about 50 or 60. In a suit and tie. Now it’s a Saturday so I’m suspect. Sits next to our marine and seeing the hat asks " we’re you a marine?" Our guy says “still am but too old to fight”. Blustery guy says " thank you for your service". Marine says " no one thanked me in 69 when I got home and they called me baby killer". Blustery guy says “if I was there they wouldn’t a said that”.

Those who never served doing the very least they could do. And those who did still letting it destroy them, often for the entertainment of the drink buying audience to war and service who get a quick hit of feel good and participation and then move on.

I’ve served in two country’s militaries, one in war and one in peace. In war no one called me a baby killer in my home land (yes elsewhere but who cares that was the point) and in peace serving was like going to community college and no one buys you a drink for getting an associates degree.

That’s my rant. Maybe I should move this to the whiskey thread.

[quote]comus3 wrote:

I’m sitting in my local bar about 8am in the morning. Eating breakfast. We have a marine veteran there every day, looks about 70, wears a usmc hat and jean jacket. Drunk by 8am but reads his books at the bar, stays until closing, never a jerk, knowledgeable about history with all that reading. ( I’ve never made it the entire day but I’ve stopped in at night and he’s always there).

In comes this blustery looking fat white guy about 50 or 60. In a suit and tie. Now it’s a Saturday so I’m suspect. Sits next to our marine and seeing the hat asks " we’re you a marine?" Our guy says “still am but too old to fight”. Blustery guy says " thank you for your service". Marine says " no one thanked me in 69 when I got home and they called me baby killer". Blustery guy says “if I was there they wouldn’t a said that”.

Those who never served doing the very least they could do. And those who did still letting it destroy them, often for the entertainment of the drink buying audience to war and service who get a quick hit of feel good and participation and then move on.

I’ve served in two country’s militaries, one in war and one in peace. In war no one called me a baby killer in my home land (yes elsewhere but who cares that was the point) and in peace serving was like going to community college and no one buys you a drink for getting an associates degree.

That’s my rant. Maybe I should move this to the whiskey thread. [/quote]

i remember my first beer